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» » Scientists have found a strange way TREATING BREAST CANCER

Scientists have found a strange way TREATING BREAST CANCER

Laboratory experiments showed that the application of physical impact on cells leads to the fact that the cells are returned to the discharge benign.

 Scientists believe that through this study, they received clues in the search for new treatments.

 "People have been known for centuries that physical force can affect our body - the study authors from the University of California at Berkeley, USA writes.

Scientists have found a strange way TREATING BREAST CANCER

 "When we lift weights, your muscles get bigger. The force of gravity is needed to keep our bones strong. Now we understand that physical strength and can affect cancer cells. "

 The study of malignant epithelial cells were placed in a flexible silicone chamber. This allowed the scientists to apply compression in the first stages of cell growth, ie, just squeeze the cells.

 With time short cancer cells stopped growing and began to behave more normally and orderly as usual, healthy cells.

"Malignant cells are not completely forgotten how to be healthy, they just need the right signals to bring them back to healthy growth patterns."

 Scientists have indicated that they do not offer a view to the prevention of breast cancer to use close bras. Most likely, it will generate a new therapy, suggesting contraction of cancer cells.
 Results of the study were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in San Francisco.
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