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» » Enhanced night sweating (hyperhidrosis) - Causes

Enhanced night sweating (hyperhidrosis) - Causes

We are looking for the cause in their own home

However, first of all, you should consider home because that could provoke increased sweating at night. Such reasons can be:

very warm blankets. As a rule, blankets perfectly warm man in a frosty time of year, but if its use provokes sweating at night, it is worth considering the rationality of its application, and to consider options for the transition into lighter blanket.

stuffy, maloprovetrivaemoe room. Make sure that the room in which you sleep, there was always fresh air. If you work at a computer, try to ventilate the room for 2-3 hours before bedtime. If this is not possible, get yourself a conditioner that will clean the air in the bedroom, and maintain a sufficiently cool temperature.

warm clothes. Pay special attention to the clothes in which you sleep. Clothes made of silk could be ideally suited to you, but it may be that she is the culprit of sweating at night? Those who suffer from hyperhidrosis at night is better to give preference to products made of cotton.

dangerous products. The cause of heavy sweating at night can be your diet. Pay special attention to your dinner: it can cause night sweats, which causes kroyatsya used products such as coffee, chocolate, hot spices, garlic and sweet fizzy drinks. Sweating at night can be avoided if you eat before going to sleep buckwheat, carrots, parsley, lettuce.

Enhanced night sweating (hyperhidrosis) - Causes

Medical causes sweating at night

Increased sweating at night can be a symptom of an illness. Today, medicine is known a lot of ailments, profuse night sweats for which - true companion.

There are several groups of diseases, one of the symptoms of which appears excessive sweating at night:

1. Infectious diseases.

 Most infections cause fever and, as a consequence, increased sweating, especially at night. These diseases include:

Infectious mononucleosis

 This acute viral disease accompanied by a lesion of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, changes in blood composition, and fever, which provokes profuse sweating.

Lung abscess.

 The formation of the cavity as a result of purulent processes in the lungs occurs as a result of chronic diseases or the growth of microorganisms.


 Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart is manifested by pain in muscles and joints, weakness, fever (temperature 38,5 - 39,5 ° C), which often causes night sweating.

Fungal infection (koktsidiodomikoz, histoplasmosis)


HIV infection

2. Endocrine diseases:

giperterioz (overactive thyroid)

ovarian failure

diabetes. In this case, a so-called nocturnal hypoglycemia

orchiectomy, or castration

3. Revmatilogicheskie disease:

temporal arteritis. The disease, which in the absence of timely and correct treatment can lead to complete loss of vision. Severe night sweats, cutting pain in the temple, aggravated by chewing, pain in the neck - these are just some of the symptoms of this disease.

Takayasu's arteritis. This is a fairly rare disease, which is an inflammation of the blood vessels of the average diameter. Dizziness, night sweats, muscle aches and joint pains testify to the possible development of the disease.

4. neoplasms and lymphomas

Hodgkin's disease, or Hochkina disease. Malignant tumors in lymph nodes and vessels have such symptoms as severe night sweats.


5. Other diseases:

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Obstructive sleep apnea - stopping breathing during sleep syndrome due to narrowing of the upper airway. The disease leads to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and lack of sleep.

gastro-esophageal disease.

 Night sweats can be a symptom of the disease, as the BBB. The disease is spontaneous periodic casting into the esophagus of gastric contents.

oezinofilnaya chronic pneumonia

granulomatous disease.

This disease affects mainly males. It manifested in chronic infectious disease of the skin lesions, colon, mouth, nose, and lymph nodes.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

lymph node hyperplasia

anxiety state


diabetes insipidus.

 This is a very rare disease characterized by thirst and polyuria (release of about 10-15 liters of urine per day).

Prinzmetal syndrome.

 This disease is characterized by patients suffering from atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels. It appears the disease in cardiac arrhythmias, emergence of fear and anxiety.

6. The use of medicines:

antihypertensive agents

antipyretics (salicylates, acetaminophen)


How to get rid of the night sweating?

If the causes of excessive sweating at night lie in the presence of one of these diseases, consultation with a doctor is a must. The doctor prescribe treatment, sweating and soon cease to bother you at night. If sweating is caused by taking certain medications, your doctor will prescribe you a similar preparations, but with a different composition.

Sweating at night can be only a consequence of incorrectly matched underwear or blankets, in this case it is recommended to simply replace provoke profuse sweating blankets, more aerate the bedroom or buy a special conditioner that will cool a little bit of air temperature in the room.

The cause profuse sweating at night can be a disease as hyperhidrosis. In this case sweating worried man not only at night but also during the day. Today, there are many ways to deal with hyperhidrosis.

 For the treatment of this disease using special gels and ointments, tablets from hyperhidrosis, as well as Botox and Dysport. It is also quite effective is iontophoresis, the use of laser and endoscopic thoracoscopic sympathectomy. Decide on the method of treatment will help the doctor after a thorough diagnosis.
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