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» » Why blood pressure rises after a meal?

Why blood pressure rises after a meal?

We know that blood pressure is the blood pressure in the artery wall, which is determined by the blood volume, speed, volume of the arteries, blood vessels, and a variety of other factors. Blood pressure in medical terminology is divided into a diastolic and systolic blood pressure, they define an upper and a lower rate of pressure on the walls of arteries and organs throughout the body. Diastolic pressure is the lower rate, which is calculated when the heart is resting between beats, and systolic blood pressure is called the top rate, which is calculated at the time of blood shock. For example, a perfect indicator of the upper and lower pressure index is 120 and 80, and read it as a 120 by 80. When the pressure becomes higher or lower than this norm, we're talking about him as a high blood pressure, ie blood pressure or low blood pressure, which is called hypotonia.

Now, since we know that blood pressure is influenced by various factors, it is necessary to clarify that it has a constant cycle fluctuations throughout the day. The body has its own balancing mechanism that regulates blood pressure, as soon as it becomes high or low. Food is known to affect blood pressure, blood pressure tends to rise after a meal. Now, let's talk about how this is happening, the reason for that food, the digestive mechanism or any other function. The following information describes how the pressure increase occurs after eating.

Increased blood pressure after a meal.

It is obvious that the change of heart rate directly affects blood pressure, which focuses on blood flow rate, but there are other factors such as the thickness of blood vessels and arteries. The viscosity of the blood is determined by the thickness. These two factors affect blood pressure increase after eating.

After the meal, the main functions of the body directed at splitting of food eaten, that is to digest food. This process requires oxygen, which promotes the release of certain digestive enzymes and acids. To make this process possible, oxygenated blood must flow through the blood vessels in the abdomen. The body of the heart indicating a large volume of blood as a result of which it begins to work quickly, that is, increases the heart rate. This effect could be causing a blood pressure increase after eating.

 Increasing the plasma proteins and blood cells can lead to an increase in blood volume. Type of foods that you eat has a direct effect on blood viscosity. Butter and products that contain high levels of fat, increase the amount of fat in the blood that goes through the bloodstream, which reduces blood flow, and this effect is the need for more blood, which is achieved by palpitations. Products with a high sodium content are the main cause of excess pressure on the heart and lungs. A large amount of sodium becomes a cause water retention, and additional water causes a pressure increase in the heart and lungs.

Low in fat, high in fat - can affect the viscosity of the blood, which has a direct impact on blood pressure. Thus, any abnormal increase in the blood pressure after a meal, most likely due to the consumption of food.

It should be understood that a small increase in blood pressure after meals is temporary. Blood pressure is normal, when the food is digested, and the heartbeat back to normal. Blood pressure, which increases after a meal, it is not a violation of the functions of the body, it's just a process that runs the body, namely transmits priority blood supply to organs that need it more than others, that is caused by a number of different factors. Yes, you can help pressure balancing mechanism inside your body, it needs to follow a healthy diet and avoid any strenuous exercise immediately after a meal. Give your body time to normalize the pressure and focus on one function at a time!
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