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» » Hormones harmony of body and soul

Hormones harmony of body and soul

If the body is a "failure", aimed to stimulate a particular hormone can lead you back to normal. And you can do without drugs and tedious procedures.
Run and dance!
Endorphin - brings happiness.
Opiates, which highlights the body, make us feel happy. It appears shine and joy in his eyes, life takes on a bright pink hue. That endorphin gives us the opportunity to feel the fun and enjoyment.
The optimal way to stimulate endorphins - jogging about 30 minutes. in a day. But known elevation appears immediately after the start. Table tennis and dance till you drop, too, do a good job.
Ideal and one of the Tibetan exercises: arms out to the side, waving them as quickly as possible from left to right about his own waist until you feel good.
Cheer up? Eat chocolate or banana!
Good humor gives us serotonin. From his presence in the body relieves stress, improved mood and a sense of fun.
Disappear irritability and tension, so conflicts at home and at work is significantly reduced.
How to maintain the level of serotonin in the right?
Physically very well help exercises aimed at unloading. This could be yoga, because her exercise increases the production of serotonin. Very good "first aid" bananas. Also, the mood quickly improve if you eat a bar of chocolate.
The healing sounds of music
Norepinephrine - anti-stress hormone. If stress and fatigue are mobilizing all the energy reserves of the body.
Epinephrine improves pressure, speeds up heart rate, constricts blood vessels. And then rushes to the aid of norepinephrine.
The amount of this hormone can intensify feelings. For example, take a bath sound: the sound of music, imitating the roar of the waves - put a pillow under your head and lie down. Close your eyes and imagine the sound waves envelop your whole body.
Do not let the cord dry up!
The hormone increases the concentration of acetylcholine and be creative qualities of the person. It acts napryagayusche organs (for example - the stomach and the heart) and the muscles at the same time reviving the creativity and ability to concentrate.
Acetylcholine stimulates gymnastics. For example, put much pressed to each other hand in front of chest, hold for 10 seconds. Exercise will help to develop and good posture. You can use the yoga exercises.
And for the mental charging do "brain exercises": solve puzzles, crosswords and imagine different pictures. For example, a walk by the sea in all its spectrum: the wind, sand, waves and the cry of gulls.
Women's magical tea
Estrogen - hormone female beauty. He "charge" skin perfusion sends collagen in the connective tissue and maintains the moisture of the skin. Estrogen protects against heart attack, helps to regulate the activity of sebaceous glands. Adequacy levels of estrogen - the hair soft as silk, and obedient, the skin - elastic and healthy.
Stimulate this hormone herbal drinks. For example, tea of ??equal parts of leaves of raspberry, strawberry, rose hips.
1 full article. l. Herbs pour boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes. and strain.
The exciting and erotic acts spirits of jasmine, sandalwood or cinnamon flowers
Hormone embrace
which saves us from depression - so called oxytocin.
This amazing hormone improves the emotional atmosphere in the team, or at home. In particular, he strongly stands out among young mothers who need to bond with a child born. They inevitably cause oxytocin, t. To. The child is often found on the hands of mother - feeding, with swaddling and so on.
No wonder psychologists write that on the day we should embrace 5-6 people to feel happy. But we do so happy and those who embrace!
In severe cases, depression can not withdraw into itself - it only adds to the feeling of hopelessness. Much easier to hug loved ones!
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