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6 herbs for sleep, which get rid of insomnia

6 herbs for sleep, which get rid of insomnia

Stone valerian (Patrina average)

This plant belongs to the family valeric, the highest concentration of drug substances have roots. Active substances - saponins and alkaloids, which provide a hypnotic and sedative effect.

Tincture and the infusion of Patrina remove excitability of the nervous system and the heart, symptoms of insomnia. In large doses, Patrina drugs are toxic, so do not take more than the indicated dose.

Infusion Patrin prepared as follows: 200 ml of boiling water put one tablespoon of minced root, insist 15 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day - with increased anxiety, insomnia - 2 tbsp. before bedtime.

Peony (Marin root)

For the treatment of insomnia root of the plant is used. It contains valuable essential oil, in which the composition has a soothing agent.

Marin root used for the national treatment of insomnia, neurasthenia, vascular dystonia, hypochondria and phobic disorders.

Prepare a natural remedy for insomnia as follows:

60 g of crushed root pour 600 g of boiling water and continue to simmer on low heat until the moment when there will be 200 ml of fluid. Then strain the broth and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. You can only take a decoction before going to bed - 2 tablespoons.

6 herbs for sleep, which get rid of insomnia

Hops ordinary

Not only herbs for sleep, but the fruits and herbs to help treat insomnia.

For the preparation of drugs for insomnia hops used fruits - bumps. It contains an essential oil, which has a sedative and hypnotic effect, helps with increased sexual arousal, relieve nervous excitability and treats seizures. Hop cones help with menopause, hypertension, renal colic, cardioneurosis.

People's treatment of insomnia hops via infusion:

One tablespoon of hops fruits pour just a boiling water - 200 ml, leave for 3 hours in a closed form. Take into 50 ml three times per day.

Proven and familiar to many grass to sleep - motherwort.

motherwort herb is used to treat insomnia in children and adults. This is a classic folk remedy for insomnia and increased irritability of the nervous system. Besides calming effect on the nervous system, Motherwort regulates cardiac function and vascular tone, normalizing blood pressure. It is noticed that the grass motherwort lowers high blood pressure, but does not change the normal. It is used for treatment of early stages of hypertension. The drugs motherwort similar to the action of valerian root, but twice more pronounced.

Infusion of motherwort for the treatment of insomnia, prepare as follows:

2 tablespoons chopped herbs pour boiling water 200 ml, and leave under cover until cool. Strain the infusion and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, or 2 tablespoons. spoon just before bedtime.

For convenience, you can use a dry powder motherwort herb: 1 gram three times per day.

You can also add in the grass motherwort tea before bed and during the day.

6 herbs for sleep, which get rid of insomnia

Peppermint and lemon balm

These herbs for sleep are suitable for the treatment of insomnia in children, even infants. Mint and lemon balm contains essential oils that soothe the nervous system and have a light hypnotic effect. mint sprig can be placed in hot water, which cools you for the baby and then give it to drink this tea. Use mint and lemon balm can be in equal parts, like brewing tea with two teaspoons of herb per cup of boiling water. For a child aged 2 - no more than 200 ml per day.

Aromatherapy for insomnia

Herbs for sleep can be used as aromatherapy. Make a pillowcase out of thin natural fabric: batiste, cotton, fine linen. Prepare the herbs: valerian, yarrow, sage, mint, lavender. Herbs should be well dried and milled.

Place a dry camp in a pillowcase and sew. The result was a fragrant pillow on which to sleep, or put next to the headboard. You now have a universal cure for insomnia for children and adults. This is the most secure way of traditional medicine to treat insomnia, which can be applied even in infants.
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