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5 best herbs to enhance immunity

1. Echinacea

Echinacea - perennial plant of the family Asteraceae, it is a potent immunomodulator, virtually no side effects. Echinacea has another neat feature: it can inhibit the growth of streptococci and staphylococci - the bacteria that cause the majority of inflammatory and purulent diseases, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, furunculosis.

Take echinacea as an immunostimulant both during acute infection, and prevention. Especially useful to do it in spring and autumn. Echinacea taken as a tincture, which you can buy at a pharmacy or make your own.

A useful recipe: 100 grams of plant root wash, peel, chop and pour 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol. Infuse for 2-3 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, then strain. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

2. The mother-and-stepmother

Another perennial herbaceous medicinal plant family Asteraceae, is incredibly useful for strengthening immunity. Mother-and-stepmother value as an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, expectorant and anti-sclerotic agent.

Especially prized in traditional medicine decoction of the leaves of this plant. They are used to treat respiratory diseases, drink for coughs, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, colds and flu.

A useful recipe: 2 tablespoons of powdered leaves pour 200 ml. boiling water, leave for half an hour, drain. Take 50 ml. 3-5 times per day.

5 best herbs to enhance immunity

3. Dandelion

Dandelion as an adaptogen, stimulates all the body's defenses. Furthermore, it possesses properties anthelmintics, acts as a laxative, expectorant and toning. It is also important that dandelion contains a lot of iodine, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of thyroid cancer.

For the treatment and strengthening immunity harvested plant roots: they are washed and dried, cut into cubes. Powdered roots brewed with boiling water. This contains a lot of vitamins, cleanses the liver, normalizes metabolism.

A useful recipe: juice from the leaves of the dandelion is an excellent immunomodulatory agent. Cook it simply, the washed leaves of the plant scalded with boiling water and grind in a blender. Then squeeze the juice and diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. In order to strengthen immunity, improve gastro-intestinal tract to take a tablespoon 20 minutes before meals twice a day.

4. Rowan

Years red mountain ash are rich in vitamin composition (PP, E, B2, K, P, provitamin A - more than in some varieties of carrots C - more than in black currants) and a set of useful macro-and micronutrients (calcium, sodium , magnesium, potassium). mountain ash fruits contain a lot of ascorbic acid, is essential in strengthening the immune system.

Ash juice has a good expectorant, has disinfecting properties, it is useful to drink with vitamin deficiency, diseases of the throat (tonsillitis, laryngitis, laryngeal edema), colds and flu.

A useful recipe: you can use in rowanberry drink a tonic. For its preparation 1 tablespoon ripe berries pour a glass of boiling water. To strengthen the immune system and maintain overall body tone take half a cup 2-3 times a day.

5 best herbs to enhance immunity

5. Garlic
A perennial herb of the family of cereals is almost the most effective medicinal herb to strengthen the immune system. As part of the garlic it found more than 400 different compounds, many of which are nutrients for the immune system, for example, volatile or volatile allicin. Zinc, selenium, vitamin C, antioxidants in garlic have a beneficial impact on the immune system.

The easiest way to boost the immune system garlic - daily inclusion in the diet of 1-2 cloves of this vegetable acute.

A useful recipe: Cook the garlic sweet syrup that children take pleasure. Divide the slices in the average head of garlic, peel and grind in a blender with a lemon. Pour 0.6 liters of boiled water at room temperature, and add 300 g of honey. Put in a dark cool place for three days, then strain into a clean glass container.

Take 50 ml of adults, children, depending on the age, starting with 2 ml twice a day after meals.
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