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» » Linseed oil - the secret of wellbeing and harmony

Linseed oil - the secret of wellbeing and harmony

Linseed oil for the prevention of cardiovascular disease

Flax seed oil - a storehouse of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. This makes flaxseed oil an indispensable tool in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Omega-3 help reduce blood cholesterol levels, which in turn prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular pathologies.

Linseed oil for constipation

A popular folk remedy for constipation is flaxseed oil. A regular consumption of milled flax seeds will allow you to adjust the digestion, help cope with the symptoms of hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, as well as prevent the development of intestinal infections.

Linseed oil bowel diseases thus relieving inflammation and restore the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Linseed oil for women's health

Flaxseed oil is very useful for women's health. Regular its use contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels, soothes symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, as well as improves the health of women during menopause.

Flaxseed oil should be included in the diet of pregnant women, since its components have a positive effect on fetal development and the health of the unborn child.

Flaxseed Oil for Weight Loss

Linseed oil - the secret of wellbeing and harmony

Good news for those who want to lose weight. In the fight against overweight linseed oil will become your most loyal assistant. Despite the fact that very calorically linseed oil (and all plant and animal oils), it will promote weight loss. And all because the components of linseed oil promotes the breakdown of fat in the water and glycerol, which are then eliminated from the body naturally.

To flaxseed oil help you cope with the extra weight, you need to take it at bedtime. That dream linseed oil actively breaks down fats.

Linseed oil in skin diseases

Flaxseed oil is very good for diseases such as acne, eczema, psoriasis or sunburn. Fatty acids contained in the linseed oil have strong anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, which helps to cope with the aforementioned manifestations of skin diseases. In addition, linseed oil fatty acid, help to reduce sebum secretion, which prevents clogging of pores.

Linseed oil for the prevention of cancer and early aging

Substance lignin included in the composition of the flax, play some role in the prevention of breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer and prostate cancer. Currently in Toronto conducted a study whose purpose is to understand the true role of lignins in the prevention of cancer. It is known that lignin slow down the aging process.

This linseed oil is contraindicated

Before the use of flax and flax oil you should consult with your doctor if you have following diseases and conditions:

poor blood clotting;
the presence of polyps (especially if they lead to bleeding);
cyst and neoplastic diseases.
The use of flaxseed oil may also be contraindicated when taking antidepressants, oral contraceptives and antivirals.
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