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» » Anti-cellulite massage at home

Anti-cellulite massage at home

Today there are many different methods to get rid of the "orange peel". One of them - anti-cellulite massage. The advantage of this method is that it is available not only in beauty salons or by qualified professionals. Try to follow a policy of anti-cellulite massage at home.

How does the anti-cellulite massage?

In fact, cellulite is a grown up and hardened fat cells, which impeded circulation. Hands massage therapist rubbed and kneaded the muscles and subcutaneous fat. These movements make cells work actively. As a result, body fat metabolic processes are activated. During the session, the temperature rises massaged skin. Blood begins to better provide the cells with oxygen and nutrients and flush out these toxins.

During the anti-cellulite massage techniques involve the main traditional massage: stroking, kneading, rubbing, skin displacement, slapping, tapping, shaking, hand vibration. Due to this exposure excess fat is gradually absorbed and eliminated from the subcutaneous tissue. The skin becomes taut and toned.

To effective methods of anti-cellulite massage at home include massage using a special brush and honey massage.

Anti-cellulite massage at home

Anti-cellulite massage with massage brush

For the sessions need to buy a massage brush with natural bristles and comfortable long handle. For starters, you can choose a soft bristle brush, and gradually move to a semi-rigid or rigid.

Massage should be done with a dry brush on dry skin, and not immediately after a shower, when the skin is softened. Place one foot higher than the other. You can use a stool or the edge of the tub. Start the massage with legs - from the toes to the heel. The circular motion brush with alternate movements along the muscle and gradually move towards the buttocks. Each problem area needs to be processed several times.

When finished massaging the feet, go to the hands. Hand massage begins with the hands and is gradually moving towards the axilla. Massage the shoulders and back along the waist toward the stomach. The abdomen should be handled carefully in a circle. Movement in this area should not be intense.

Do not get too intense or long massage the skin with a brush. It is fraught with irritation of the skin and the appearance of bruises. Easy flushing means that it is time to move on to the next sector. The whole procedure should take about 5 minutes. Then carefully rub anti-cellulite cream into problem areas.

Do not massage the abdomen, if you monthly. In addition, it is better not to carry out anti-cellulite massage brush, if there are bruises or sores on the problem areas of the skin.

For the procedure to be effective, spend sessions daily. The brush should be from time to time to wash with soap and water and dry well.

Anti-cellulite massage at home

Honey anti-cellulite massage

The advantage of this type of massage - a combination of traditional massage techniques with the beneficial properties of honey. The course of the massage vklyuchaet15 sessions with an interval of one day. As a result of "orange peel" it becomes almost invisible, and the general condition of the skin improves. But this massage is suitable only for those women who are not allergic to honey.

any thick natural honey is used for honey massage. For a single session of massage is enough 2 teaspoons of honey. If honey is sugar, it is not suitable for the procedure.

The first two sessions were carried out with massage oil for skin softening, the following can be performed on dry skin. Honey massage is performed only on problem areas. Each zone is given 5-10 minutes. On his stomach do very carefully.

Apply honey on your palm and pat the skin on cellulite affected areas of the body. Gradually increase the force patting movements. At the same time for a few seconds, his hands firmly press down on the skin and then abruptly tear off them. This procedure is a little painful, but after a few sessions, the pain will be less noticeable. In the hands, abdomen and front thigh palm need not press too deep and tear with family to peel the palm of the adhesive surface was weaker than in other areas.

After about 5 minutes from the pores of the skin massaged oily mass will begin to appear - the so-called slag. When most of this weight will be on the hands, wash your hands with soap and water and proceed with the pat and pressing until it is no longer highlighted.

It is desirable for one procedure to mass not more than two parts of the body. For example, one session dedicate hips and buttocks, and the other - hand.

After the procedure, take a warm shower that will wash away the remnants of honey and tones the skin further. Lubricate the skin moisturizing lotion or cream. Then take cover with a warm blanket and relax for 20 minutes.

To make the process more enjoyable, you can add 2 teaspoons of honey and 3 drops juniper 2 drops of lavender.

Anti-cellulite massage at home or in the cabin, can not be carried out in the period of pregnancy and lactation, during acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases, bleeding disorders, varicose veins at the legs, the presence of wounds or scratches on the treated skin areas.
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