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Ozone therapy

The method

With the word "ozone" many may have such an association: you are in the pine forest, breathe fresh air deeply and drawl says, "Well, pure ozone" Indeed, ozone - is one of oxygen modifications and feature of this form is Unlike that it has a higher oxygen activity.

This property of ozone scientists and have adopted and developed ozone therapy - a method, the essence of which is that the healing gas, getting into the body, dramatically increases the oxygen supply to tissues, thereby activating the vital functions of all its organs and systems. Given that ozone is not a method of conventional medicine, it effectively acts on the status of various organs and systems, normalizes metabolism, stimulates the protective functions of the body.

How to get ozone

Regardless of whether they intend to cure, it requires first and foremost get a special ozone-oxygen mixture. This is done using a special generator - Ozonator, as starting material, of course, oxygen. It should be noted that the popularity of the method in addition to its proven effectiveness in various areas, provided its availability and low cost.

A treatment with ozone is carried out in a variety of forms Sami: intravenously, rectally, subcutaneously weak points in the form of oils, drinking and irrigation ozonated rinse solution and so forth.

Ozone therapy

Where to apply

Gynecology. In acute and chronic diseases of internal and external genitalia.

Obstetrics. With the threat of abortion, for prevention and treatment of intrauterine infection, fetal malnutrition, anemia in pregnancy, toxemia, and others.

Urologiya.Prostatit, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.

Gastroeneterologiya. Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis.

Virology. Hepatitis, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), herpes (HSV), human papillomavirus infection (HPV = HPV).

Dermatology. Atopic dermatitis, seborrhea, alopecia, herpes, eczema, furunculosis, pyoderma, fungal infections, atopic dermatitis, the treatment of oily skin and others.

Therapy. Hypertension, diabetes, allergies, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, encephalopathy, arthritis, arthrosis, coronary heart disease, rheumatism, migraine.

There is definitely a need to understand that this method is not always a 100% cure, acting in each case, with greater or lesser efficiency, ozone allows, if not to achieve a complete cure of any disease, greatly facilitate its flow.

For example, to cure diabetes so it is impossible (because it can not be cured in principle), but to make life better sick person well. While trichologist doctors say that there are cases when the application of the method to deal with alopecia, visible results have been achieved.


Of course, everyone, even the most harmless method, there are some contraindications and ozone therapy is no exception. The method is not recommended for acute myocardial infarction, convulsive disorders, thyrotoxicosis, a state of anticoagulation in acute pancreatitis, in obstetric practice for bleeding (ozone has a thrombolytic effect), acute alcohol intoxication. Well, of course, be confirmed whether the allergy directly to ozone.

Separately, about cosmetology

Why separate? For the reason that in this region the most ozone therapy is used today on a large scale and the effect of its application is possible, they say, to see firsthand. And if health centers are in no hurry to buy the appropriate equipment and actively offer this service to their patients, the beauty salons have long and actively "promote" the ozone in the ranks of its visitors. It is noted that ozone therapy is a non-medicated, but it is a very effective way of rejuvenation.

For example, ozone is now serious competition to liposuction. It solves the same problem (removing fat from problem areas), but this procedure takes place without any surgical intervention in the body.

But more often, say beauticians, customers are turning to skin problems: remove warts, acne, abrasions, skin stretching. Ozone also effectively solves the problem of aging skin: corrects the shape of the face, eliminate double chin, eliminates fine wrinkles around the eyes.

course of treatment

Typically, ozone therapy is prescribed courses and course duration (10 days) and the interval between the doctor or beautician is determined individually, depending on what is ozone and what effect you want to achieve.
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