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How to get rid of dandruff

How to get rid of dandruff

Why do I get dandruff

Each of the cosmetic defects, which manifests itself in the form of a disruption of the normal functioning of the dermis (skin), is the result of the body's internal problems. Brittle nail plate, dull hair or skin rashes are only a consequence of allergic reactions of the body, poor eating habits or hormonal failure.

The lack of any of the vitamins or minerals leads to internal diseases which manifest themselves in the form of dermatological disorders.

It is no exception and dandruff. White flakes, which consistently and periodically appear on the shoulders of the person, are nothing more than the microparticles on dead top layer of the scalp. During normal operation, the horny epithelial desquamation cells is almost imperceptible. At the same violation pathological generating cells of the epidermis exfoliation process is accelerated several times. These microparticles are dead we can observe as one of the signs of seborrhea.

Process unbalance saloobrazovaniya skin lesion involves the scalp, body, chest. Seborrhea is characterized by a fat content of the skin, acne, enlarged pores. Dandruff can be one of the lungs of the clinical manifestations of skin disease.

Causes dandruff

Doctors define several reasons that lead to the appearance of dandruff.

Hormonal failure, inherent in young people aged 13 to 23 years. It is this age most prone to such cosmetic imperfections, like dandruff. Imbalance of male and female hormones in the body and leads to the appearance of dandruff, it occurs most frequently at the prevailing androgens.
Infection of fungal disease - the main cause of dandruff. The fungus lives in the scalp and does not manifest itself to the reduction of immune forces of the body below a certain threshold.
Heredity, individual structure of the sebaceous glands, structural and anatomical features of the hair follicles can cause dandruff.
Improper diet with lots of fatty, sugary and smoked foods can trigger a genetic predisposition of the organism. Alcohol, smoking, specific climatic conditions are often those factors that may cause such diseases as seborrhea, which manifests itself in the form of dandruff.

The symptoms and causes of dandruff perhotiSimptomatika usually pronounced, so it can not be overlooked. The main features include:

peeling of the skin and the presence of crusts on the hair;
itchy scalp surface of the head;
scratching, until pronounced scratches and sores;
increased dryness of the skin;
hair loss.
The forms of the disease

The favorable treatment of dandruff depends on the form of the disease (seborrhea). There are several types of the disease, the symptoms of which are quite different from each other.

Dry seborrhea.

 Inadequate allocation of fat secretion and its high viscosity characteristic of dry seborrhea. Overdried skin is inflamed and easily irritated. Hair becomes brittle, and their split ends. Doctors have linked the disease with fungus Pityrosporum ovale, the growth of cells which is activated when lowered immunity or unbalanced diet.

Seborrhea thick liquid.

 The distinctive features of this type of seborrhea is hyper sebum, accompanied by enlarged pores on the brown-gray skin. Skin loses turgor and can be covered by comedones.

Oily liquid seborrhea.

 When the liquid oily rash may be more complex, often accompanied by disease furunculosis. Hair in this seborrheic dermatitis ironed as the oil-soaked, soiled and quickly sprinkled grayish scales.

Treatment of dandruff

In order to become an effective treatment is not enough to use widely advertised shampoos and masks. To determine the type of disease, and therefore, a method of treatment, should consult a dermatologist or a trichologist. Do not forget, that dandruff - only a slight expression of specific pathology that should be treated comprehensively.

Medicines for dandruff

The specialist determines the cause of dandruff by studying the general state of the organism and taking certain tests (scraping). On the basis of this written out preparations to enhance the immune system, normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, the production of the relevant hormonal.

Diet with seborrhea involves enriching the diet dairy products, vegetables, fiber and complex carbohydrates. Healthy lifestyle, hiking, and the absence of stress are a prerequisite for the treatment of dandruff.
For oily seborrhea doctor prescribes medicines that can suppress the excessive release of tarragon - male hormones, which leads to a reduction in sebum production.

For a successful outcome of treatment should take drugs that normalize the process of lipolysis in the body. Also in the fight against the disease should be integrated vitamin complexes, containing B12 is, folic acid, riboflavin.

An excellent result gives a spa treatment, relaxation treatment, which strengthens overall health.

Local drug treatment

medicated shampoos and lotions that have antifungal activity and suppress the proliferation of Malassezia (Pityrosporum) and Candida (as part contains ketoconazole and other substances);

shampoo bactericidal and antibacterial action spectrum containing zinc pyrithione, selenium disulfate, clotrimazole;

applicable for effective exfoliation skrabovye detergents with sulfur and salicylic acid.

Natural products, such as tar, Ichthyol also traditionally used to treat the skin on the head. Natural remedies are designed to normalize the regeneration at the cellular level of the epidermis of the scalp, soothe irritation and itching.

As a fairly well-known and established brands for the treatment and prevention of dandruff can be called «Nizoral», «Dermazole», «Vishi Dercos».

How to get rid of dandruff

Home remedies for dandruff

Rubbing and rinsing with oils:

The masks are used for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in the home are often composed of various essential oils. Such means is applied in an amount of 0.5 ml of the hair and massaged into the scalp clean.
The list of oils that act most effectively: oil of cedar, geranium, ylang-ylang, cypress.

Tea tree oil has proved itself as an effective tool to combat the fungus. In the treatment of oily seborrhea few drops of oil is added to a small amount of shampoo is applied to the head and left for ten minutes for a therapeutic effect.

In order to remove the painful itching and inflammation of the skin, should apply castor oil and olive oil. They should be rubbed into the skin for half an hour before shampooing.

The mask of sea salt. Properties of sea salt, rich in trace elements, is used as a component mask for combating dandruff. To recover, you must mix the yolks of two eggs, a teaspoon of salt and soaked crumb of rye bread. The mixture is applied to clean hair, hold 40-50 minutes and then wash off with cool water.

How to get rid of dandruff

Folk remedies:

Apple cider vinegar is made from apple at home (in any case do not use the shop) is mixed in equal proportions with water and rubbed into the scalp; an hour later washed off the shampoo composition.

nettle decoction is used as a rinse after shampooing standard.

For oily dandruff hair rinse useful weak solution of vinegar (1 tbsp. L. 1 liter of water), as well as massaging the scalp before washing a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. juice of onion with 2 tbsp. l. vodka. When dry dandruff 1 tbsp. l. juice of onion mixed with 2 tbsp. l. vodka and 1 tbsp. l. castor oil.

How to get rid of dandruff

Aloe - for combating dandruff is rubbed into the scalp for 60 minutes once a week.

In addition, traditional healers recommend to use as a rinse extracts of chamomile, celandine and marigolds, regularly rubbed into the head of the mush of onion and garlic, which have antibacterial properties and improve the circulation of blood.

Preventing dandruff

Preventing the emergence perhotiChtoby not interfere with long-term and time-consuming problem of the treatment of dandruff, it is necessary to observe some rules that can minimize the risk of its occurrence:

adjust the pillow, as it can be a hotbed of infection (the pillow is helpful to change or wash at a maximum temperature of not less than once every six months);
do not wash your hair every day - especially very dry scalp hard water;
with predisposition to oily seborrhea periodically rub into the scalp oil of rosemary and eucalyptus, with a predisposition to dry seborrhea - fit oil extracts of chamomile, cypress, lavender;
Grooming combs and hats - a prerequisite for the prevention of dandruff.
No breakdown is an essential means of preventing the appearance of skin diseases. Calm, regularity and sound sleep will help normalize sebum production.

Preventive measures for the prevention of dandruff, especially if hereditary predisposition should include avoiding alcohol, intake of vitamins B, products containing zinc, copper and calcium. It can be nuts, seafood, fresh vegetables.

Thanks to a healthy lifestyle is produced corresponding to the immune system, by which the body's defenses are not allowed to develop fungus, inhibiting its ability to live in the initial stage.
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