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» » Doctors called prolactin norm in women

Doctors called prolactin norm in women

And while in the female body the hormone responsible for stimulating lactation, this does not exhaust its function. For example, due to prolactin in the body of regulation implemented water-salt equilibrium. The positive impact it has on the immune system. Equally important is its role in the regulation of mental functions. Incidentally, it is proved that prolactin stimulates hair growth and in large quantities disrupt metabolism that leads to obesity.
As a rule, representatives of the fair half of mankind rate of this hormone is 40-530 IU / L. Its level is increased by the eighth week of pregnancy, and makismalnaya performance reaches the end of the third trimester. Immediately after birth, there is a decrease of prolactin, but during lactation - increase again. Keep in mind that during the day of prolactin standards vary. The maximum level of this hormone is observed between one and five o'clock in the morning. At the same time, the minimum level of prolactin observed in women in the late morning hours. Also prolactin standards depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle of women. For example, in the luteal phase of its higher level than in follicular.
This is a condition where there is a pathologically elevated level of prolactin. A very large number of women with hyperprolactinemia disturbed menstrual cycle. Many developing infertility, anorgasmia, frigidity. Sometimes breast swell so that makromastiya formed (so called giant mammary glands). This may develop cysts or mammary adenoma, and subsequently - cancer. If prolactin levels are very high, non-pregnant and non-breastfeeding women may experience galactorrhoea (release of colostrum, milk or lactescent fluid from the breast). Hyperprolactinemia can be a trigger for the development of mental illness.
The level of prolactin in the blood under the influence of both external and internal processes may change. For example, aging, alcohol, starvation, hypothermia, a diet low in fat, poor diet, physical stress, smoking, reduce the concentration of prolactin in women. At the same time alcoholism, enflurane anesthesia, electro-convulsive therapy, meal, heat load and the different types of stress (heat, physical, mental), injury, surgery, herpes zoster, taking antihistamines, on the contrary, increases the concentration.
There are indications, for which the doctor would send a woman to donate blood to determine the level of prolactin. These include cyclic breast pain, breast, lack of ovulation, amenorrhea or dysfunctional uterine bleeding, infertility. If a woman is very difficult menopause occurs, there is obesity, there are signs of hirsutism, decreased libido, the doctor also prescribe it for this analysis. For other indications should include the diagnosis of true perenashivanie pregnancy and lactation in violation of the postpartum period. It is also necessary to pass the test for the diagnosis of sexual infantilism, or chronic inflammation of internal genitals. Analysis of prolactin informative for a comprehensive assessment of the functional state of fetoplacental complex.
Blood prolactin to pass immediately after waking up. Moreover, the less time will pass from the moment you wake up, the result will be more truthful. Immediately before the procedure will have to rest for At least 15 minutes and, if possible, all 30.
You should know that the day before taking the analysis of a woman should be excluded sex and all that leads to overheating of the body (such as a sauna and hot tub). Smoking is impossible before the study, at least one hour. In addition, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that directly affect the amount of prolactin. These include physical stress (for example, running or climbing stairs), as well as excitement.
Women who wish to donate blood for analysis of prolactin, you must know that this should be done in the first and second phase of the menstrual cycle. If the doctor has not appointed a particular day, the blood must pass on the first-third day of the menstrual cycle. Analysis of prolactin surrender in the morning on an empty stomach. The results are ready, usually the next day.
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