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» » 7 the most effective folk remedies for nail fungus

7 the most effective folk remedies for nail fungus

1. Apple cider vinegar
7 the most effective folk remedies for nail fungus

The acidic environment of apple cider vinegar helps to prevent the further development of the fungus, as well as causing his death.
How to apply
It should make the 30-minute baths for the sick nail from a mixture of equal amounts of water and apple cider vinegar. Such treatment after a few weeks, will lead to improvements. Another option for the use of anti-fungal properties of this substance will scrub made from rice flour, meal, mixed with a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. This paste should be carried peeling nail plate and the skin around the area of ??fungal infections.
2. Tea Tree Oil
7 the most effective folk remedies for nail fungus

This substance has antifungal and antiseptic properties, which are well benefit from onychomycosis.

How to apply
Add a teaspoon of coconut oil or olive oil a few drops of tea tree oil. The mixture used for the 10-minute compresses on the affected area of ??the nail.

3. Baking soda

Baking soda is a readily available tool that can be used for the treatment of onychomycosis.

How to apply
Prepare a mixture of

? cup baking soda,
? cup 3% hydrogen peroxide,
? cup of Epsom salts,
? cup of vinegar,
4 cups of boiling water.
Patient nail immersed in this solution for 10 minutes twice a day. After a few weeks of treatment, will have its effect.

4. Garlic
7 the most effective folk remedies for nail fungus

Garlic contains a substance allicin, which has anti-fungal properties that can be used in the treatment of nail fungus.

How to apply
Mix the garlic juice with an equal amount of vinegar. Make a poultice of a mixture of garlic on the affected nail and leave it for several hours. Compresses repeated daily until complete healing.

5. Orange
7 the most effective folk remedies for nail fungus

Effective against onychomycosis also orange oil. However, this substance can produce an allergic reaction. In this case, it can be diluted grape seed oil.

How to apply
On the affected nail to impose a 30-minute wrap of orange oil, which must be repeated 2-3 times a day.

6. Lavender oil
7 the most effective folk remedies for nail fungus

Lavender oil allocates more volatile ester compounds with antiseptic properties, which are effective against infections and to prevent skin irritation.

How to apply
A mixture of 5 drops of tea tree oil and lavender to put on a cotton swab and 10 minutes to apply on the affected nail. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day for several weeks.

7. Thyme
7 the most effective folk remedies for nail fungus

Thyme is rich in thymol, which has a strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial effect.
How to apply
Prepare a decoction of two cups of water and three tablespoons of thyme, which is boiled for 5 minutes and allow to cool. This solution was treated nails affected by fungus.
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