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» » Treatment of rhinitis Kalanchoe

Treatment of rhinitis Kalanchoe

The structure consists of Kalanchoe:

flavonoids, which include quercetin and kaempferol - having bactericidal property, which provides the body's purification processes of radioactive and toxic substances;

tannins - have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and astringent actions;

enzymes, which include dehydrogenase malic acid, oxalic acid carboxylase - involved in metabolism and catalyze biochemical reactions;

Vitamin C - plays a significant role in oxidative processes and strengthens the immune system, due to which it is protected from infectious diseases;

vitamin PP - providing angioprotective action.

Because of these beneficial properties Kalanchoe effective in treating nasal congestion.

Methods of application of Kalanchoe:

Use infusion of kalanchoe, which is necessary for making pound fresh leaves of the plant, fill them with water (one part of the Kalanchoe to five parts water), and to insist within sixty minutes. Then dig into the nostrils for a few drops;

chewing leaves in the mouth, which is the easiest way to apply kalanchoe, which is necessary to continue to reduce the symptoms.

Kalanchoe low toxicity, when used correctly does not provoke irritation of the mucous membranes and has virtually no contraindications for use.
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