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» » Effective recipes for the treatment of urolithiasis

Effective recipes for the treatment of urolithiasis

Effective recipes for the treatment of urolithiasis

• Take 1 teaspoon of parsley seeds of garden, grind in a mortar and brew 1 cup of boiling water. After two hours the cooled mixture was filtered. Glass infusion drink during the day, when there is protein in the urine.

• It takes 50 grams of Salvia officinalis. It is ground, mixed well, and measure out 1 teaspoon. The mixture is poured 200 ml of boiling water and tantalized for 2 hours in the oven. Take a medicinal drink to be cool 50 ml three times daily before meals for 2 weeks. This course will help get rid of mucus in the urine.

• We need to take the seeds of garden parsley - 20 g, bearberry leaves - '30 Measure out 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 200 ml of cold water, leave for 6 hours and cook for 7-10 minutes, strain. Drink drug is recommended in small sips throughout the day. This decoction perfectly normalizes alkaline urine in cystitis.
Effective recipes for the treatment of urolithiasis

• For this tool will need to take chamomile blossoms - 20 g, peppermint leaves - 15 grams, black poplar buds - 20 g Measure out 1 tablespoon of the mixture, fill it with 200 ml of boiling water, insist 3-4 hours, filter. Drink should be, when you suffer from acute cystitis 100 ml 4-5 times daily before meals.

• Take the herb horsetail - 15 g, bean leaf fruit - 15 grams, the leaves of bearberry - 30 g, the fruit of juniper ordinary - 20 g Measure out 4 tablespoons of the mixture, pour her a liter of water, cook 7 to 10 minutes, then still insist 10 minutes, strain. Drink a need for the day.

• It will take a rhizome erect cinquefoil - 15 g, horsetail herb - 15 g, plantain leaves - 20 g All thoroughly mixed and measured out 1 tablespoon. Pour 2 cups water, boil for 7-10 minutes, strain. This decoction should be drunk by the glass, in the form of heat in the afternoon.

• To improve the work of the kidneys and washing agents from the bladder is every day to drink 3-4 cups of infusion of nettle.

• The fruits of juniper - 5 parts, birch leaves - 5 parts, the fruits of parsley - 2 parts of lovage root - 2 parts are thoroughly mixed and measure out 1 tablespoon. The mixture insisting on 1stakane cold water for 6 hours. Then, it should be boiled for 15 minutes, drain. Take a quarter of four per day. This is a great tool in alkaline urine.

• Inflammation of the bladder take grass brusniki- 1 part fruits of mountain ash - 3 pieces. Measure out 1 tablespoon of chopped mixture, brew it with 200 ml of boiled water, 3-4 hours in the heat, strain. Drink infusion of 100 mL by adding 1 teaspoon of honey, 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals.
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