Is found an alternative to drugs in combating the hypertension

Researchers from Germany have reported that a healthy lifestyle is the best alternative medicines in combating the hypertension.

Most often, high blood pressure is the result of a wrong way of life, however, this is usually afraid to admit both patients and doctors. The root of the problem - in the wrong training of doctors and bad inclinations of patients, which is easier to swallow handfuls of drugs than to make their lives healthier, giving up bad habits.
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How to lose weight and do not spoil the breast: 6 life hacking, which work

How to lose weight and keep the breast? This question is of interest to all women who have ever got rid of extra kilos.

The female breast is composed of mammary glands and fat. The muscles in her almost there, but the "inside out" breast is the pectoralis major muscle, which is attached to the bust hemisphere. Around it are several smaller, but extremely important part of muscle.
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Irregular Heartbeat: What You Need to Know + How to Naturally Treat

Each year, millions of people experience irregular heartbeats or arrhythmias. Most cases of a fluttering feeling in the chest are harmless, but some cardiac arrhythmias are extremely dangerous and require immediate treatment. It’s important to be aware of the risk factors for an irregular heartbeat and the natural, non-invasive ways in which you can treat arrhythmias.
8 Essential Oils for Sore Throat Pain

Did you know that essential oils can actually help make a sore throat go away quicker or avoid one all together? Sore throats can happen anytime of the year for a variety of reasons. A sore throat is an irritation, scratchiness or pain of the throat that often worsens when swallowing.The most common cause of a sore throat is a cold or the flu. You often first realize a cold or the flu is coming on when you get that first bit of pain and scratchiness in your throat. A sore throat can also be caused by allergies, strep throat, mononucleosis, tonsillitis, smoking or acid reflux.
Aside from the typically recommended rest, proper nutrition, plenty of liquids, hot teas and gargling, sore throat remedies include tapping into the natural power of essential oils for sore throat pain!
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Benefits & Risks of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is now a widely available treatment option that’s growing in popularity among women over the age of 35 — specifically those who feel run-down, prone to weight gain (sometimes for the first time in their lives) and out of other options when it comes to managing symptoms of menopause. This includes options like bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to balance hormones and improve certain conditions.
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6 Natural Treatments for Macular Degeneration Symptoms

Older adults aren’t the only ones who can experience vision changes due to macular degeneration — smokers, those with a poor diets or nutrient deficiencies, and diabetics are also at risk. In addition to vision loss, macular degeneration symptoms can include spotty vision, seeing “blank” spots, color changes and difficulty reading.
Research suggests that no matter what your age, increasing your intake of vitamins and foods that protect the eyes might significantly decrease your chances for developing macular degeneration. In addition to adding eye-protecting foods to your diet — such as brightly colored veggies, omega-3 fats and berries — keeping up with other healthy habits like exercising, protecting your eyes from the sun and quitting smoking can also help preserve your eyesight.
Garlic & Kidney Flush

Your kidneys filter your blood and remove wastes and excess water from your body, notes the National Disease Information Program. When kidney disorders prevent your kidneys from functioning properly, wastes from the foods and beverages you consume can build up and damage the body. Diabetes, high blood pressure and other health conditions can cause kidney failure. Garlic may improve kidney function by helping reduce or eliminate certain kidney-related malfunctions. Check with your health care provider about using herbs for kidney health.
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How to Play on a Sprained Ankle

A sprained ankle, one of the most common sports injuries, occurs when a player stretches or tears a ligament. While the ankle contains many ligaments, most sprains involve the lateral ligaments on the outside of the joint. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, up to 25,000 ankle sprains occur each day. With early protection and adequate rehabilitation, returning to play on a sprained ankle is possible for everyone, not just the pros.
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How to Look Beautiful

Want to look your best every single time you step out? You can’t deny that every time you look in the mirror and are pleased with what you see, your confidence increases. Looking beautiful and smart is important when it comes to your personal life, but in your professional life it’s even more important to be well groomed. You can look your best without taking any extreme measures.
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Simple Tips to Lose Weight Even with a Hectic Lifestyle

Everyone is looking to get a fit and healthy body. But, not everyone has the luxury of devoting time to achieve this goal. This has resulted in unhealthy lifestyle choices. Obesity has reached epidemic levels and affected more than one-third of the world's population. Type 2 diabetes is commonly associated with being overweight and can lead to a number of health complications. High blood pressure, heart disease, and other cardiovascular complications are a result of unhealthy lifestyles and have become increasingly common with most people.
Because people assume it takes a lot of dedication and time to achieve a toned physique, most people give up without even trying. The most common excuse that you hear is that it takes too much time to achieve the desired results so why even bother trying? But, what if there's a way to get fit in a short amount of time. Sounds too good to be true? Below you'll find a few simple tips that are sure to help you achieve a fitter, stronger body.
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