Lemons are very versatile fruits—with loads of vitamin C (a primary nutrient for immune system support), vitamin B6, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, and antibacterial and antiviral properties—the juice of a lemon can make you feel good inside and out.

The phytonutrient limonine in lemon (and lime) has been found efficacious in combating cancers of the colon, stomach, breast, lung, mouth, and skin. It is so effective because it’s readily bioavailable, meaning the body can use its nutrients just as it is.
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Are you often attracted to the sweet? Unfortunately, many people (not just children) are addicted to sweet. Have you ever wondered why?
There are two main reasons for this addiction. One reason are the parasites in the body, and the other reason is – the stress.
When people eat a lot of sweets, they create conditions for accumulation of mucus in the body. This mucus is a good base for reproduction of bacteria and fungi.
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When a sore throat, the doctor often makes the diagnosis of strep throat, although the symptoms are different. Pharyngitis what is it? Sometimes the disease is accompanied by tickling in the throat, dryness of the mucous membrane. But more often simply a sore throat in swallowing and fever. Is that a picture of the disease is quite different: the patient cough and runny nose. However, in all these cases, the doctor will diagnose strep throat. Why such different symptoms belong to one disease? And on what grounds the doctor determines pharyngitis? Because many of the nasal disease have similar symptoms. For example, laryngitis or tonsillitis.
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A runny nose can be one of the most annoying symptoms of the common cold. Thankfully, there are several natural and home remedies to try.
In this article, we look at the following ways to stop a runny nose:
  • hot drinks

  • hot steam inhalation

  • hot baths

  • neti pots

  • capsaicin

We also look at the evidence supporting these remedies and list some tips for coping with a runny nose.

What do sunlight, alcohol, and ibuprofen have in common? In small doses, they can be helpful, though some can take none at all; in large doses or taken for too long, they can be lethal.

The importance of ibuprofen

Just as sunlight strengthens bones and soothes certain skin conditions, whilst wine may be good for the heart, ibuprofen’s impact on period pain, fever and flu, swelling and stiffness, headache and backache, and bone pain in cancer is often impressive.

Broadly speaking, ibuprofen works to reduce inflammation, fever and pain by lowering levels of hormone-like agents known as prostaglandins.

Released by nearly every tissue in the body, prostaglandins have potent positive effects, helping in healing, safeguarding the stomach from acid attack and causing contractions in labour. They can be pesky though: fever results when they reset your body’s thermostat; their ability to sensitize nerves and widen blood vessels triggers pain and inflammation.
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Hand pain is more than just annoying. The stiffness and swelling that go with it can sap hand strength and diminish the ability to carry out routine functions, like buttoning clothes.Do your have tired and sore hands? Our hands are constantly bending and flexing all day long. Daily tasks such as typing, clicking and texting as well as grasping objects and tightly closing fists, can really fatigue the muscles of the hands.
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If you have laryngitis, the best way to get your voice back is to spend a week at the library, in silence. This means not even whispering (it may seem odd, but a whisper strains the vocal cords as much as a shout). And try not to cough or clear your throat–either can damage your vocal cords.Laryngitis inhalations are one of the most effective methods of treatment. Laryngitis is inflammation of the throat, where it hurts to swallow and difficulty breathing.

Laryngitis is swelling and inflammation of the larynx. It can be acute or chronic, although in most cases the condition is temporary and has no serious consequences.
The larynx, also referred to as the voice box, is home to the vocal cords. These are vital to the processes of breathing, swallowing, and talking. The vocal cords are two small folds of mucous membrane covering cartilage and muscle that vibrate to produce sound.

In a 2013 study of people in the United States (U.S.), 3.47 in every 1,000 people had a diagnosis of chronic laryngitis. It is thought that 21 percent of the population may develop chronic laryngitis in their lifetime.

Laryngitis is not often serious and in most cases resolves without treatment in around 7 days.
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Your bedroom can harbor allergens like dust mites, dog hair, and cat dander. Find out how to reduce and eliminate these allergens.

The bedroom can be an asthma nightmare, harboring allergens that trigger asthma attacks and allergic reactions. But with proper planning and some strategic changes, you can eliminate the culprits and restore sweet dreams.
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