Dates - the beneficial properties of dates

Dates - surprisingly tasty and healthy fruits, figs useful properties enable them to be called "the pantry of nature" in the Arab countries are still dates is called "bread of the desert" because these fruits are able to fill all the necessary nutrients useful to man.

Dates are very sweet and calorie product, many try not to eat these fruits, not to gain extra weight. However, the high energy value - that the benefits and harms of dates. The use of dates for the sweet tooth is invaluable, if a person loves sweet foods, and can not live without them, and the day - it's better to eat dates, replenishing the body's reserves of valuable and useful substances than eats rolls, cakes, sweets. Harm dates are often associated with their calorie content in 100 grams of this delicacy contains about 280 calories, and one Finike contains about 23 calories.
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Can I eat watermelon and grapes with seeds? ..

Most fruit pits and seeds of edible plants does not pose a serious danger to human health. The fact that they cause appendicitis - a very old myth. More precisely, in theory the bones may actually cause inflammation of the appendix cecal, but the probability of this is so small that the stress this is not necessary, doctors say.
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Season watermelons: useful properties and the danger of summer berries

There comes a time to one of the most desirable summer and autumn fruits - watermelon. Most people loves to eat watermelon in the summer heat due to its moist flesh. But, as it turned out, this product also has a huge impact on the body.

Experts point out that watermelon - one of the most useful berry, which is recommended for almost everyone. Watermelon is 90% water, contains very little protein and almost no fat, so it will not break any of the diet. Its fruit contains cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose, folic acid, carotene and many other valuable substances to the body. Watermelon is a diuretic property, it is recommended for edema caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, and fiber, which is rich, stimulates intestinal peristalsis and promotes the excretion of excess cholesterol.
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Vascular protection: 10 products against blood clots

Afraid of blood clots is not only the elderly. Young people often die because of thrombus formation and its fatal consequences. Especially thinking about the risk of thrombotic events should be those who have been in the family problems associated with an increased tendency to form blood clots. What you need to know to prevent blood clots?
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The smile on a million dollars at home

We used to use gold as ornaments, without thinking about its health benefits. In fact, the noble metal has valuable therapeutic properties. The company Swiss Smile, one of the leading manufacturers of professional dental products, has released the "gold" collection of D'OR for the effective and efficient oral care.
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6 Natural Tips To Keep Your Skin Healthy

Chronic skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rashes can be itchy, annoying, and even debilitating, but there are natural ways to address these issues successfully, without resorting to steroid creams or prescription medications. Be aware of the foods you eat and incorporate these herbs into your daily routine for healthy, itch-free skin.

These are my top recommendations for maintaining healthy skin anywhere on the body.
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The easiest way to make a lip balm with your choice of essential oils, is simply to warm your favorite balm (with all those pure natural ingredients) and add a few drops of the therapeutic grade essential oil. For example, take about a Tablespoonful size of a beeswax type of lip balm, place the container in some warm water until it softens, and then add 2 drops of Melissa, 1 drop Tea Tree and 1 drop of Spearmint essential oils. Stir well with a toothpick. This formula is wonderful salve for healing cold sores. It tastes good, too.
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Bronchiectasis - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Bronchiectasis is an abnormal dilatation of the proximal and medium sized bronchi or airways, resulting in a chronic obstructive pulmonary lung disease manifested by airways that are inflamed and easily collapsible. Breathlessness, impaired clearance of lung secretions often with disabling cough, and hemoptysis, are common symptoms of this condition. Infections, bronchial obstruction, hereditary disorders and auto-immune diseases are usually responsible for causing bronchiectasis.

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