Ambulance kidneys

The first thing to do with pains in the kidneys, - limit salt to a minimum, ideally - to remove from the diet at all. However, it is recommended not to eat greasy, fried, smoked and do not overdo it with the sweet.

Regarding drinks have different opinions, but it is better to drink no more than two liters a day, so as not to cause the kidneys to deduce too much fluid. The most useful drink - ordinary water, mineral water without gas and a variety of fruit drinks, as well as birch juice.
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How much sex for the health?

Swiss scientist has experimentally proved the benefit of sexual contact to the human immune system. Neuroimmunology of Zurich Manfred Schedlowski conducted a series of experiments, which resulted in the calculated dependence of the human immune system against the current of human sexuality. The most general conclusion that the scientist did: after orgasm number of so-called killer cells in the body increases and a half times.
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Dog  jobs healing with the help of four-legged friend

And linguists, historians, and other researchers are unanimous in the opinion - it is the first dog appeared next to a man and continues to be with him now. No matter what it is - purebred or mongrel, or placed in a large teacup, fashionable or not - it is itself a continuous bundle of energy. And the only positive.
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The most useful drinks daily

American scientists have called the most useful drinks per day. Experts from the Institute of Food Technology (Institute of Food Technology) in Washington said that the best drinks that can be consumed every day are tea, coffee and milk. According to scientists, these drinks help to support the main functions of the body and strengthen the immune system.
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Breath - the energy of life

Our world is full of vital energy. It is everywhere, she's around, she's out of and within us. If it was not so - we just could not live on earth. The life would never be born here, do not be this life-giving force of the vital energy, the author of the popular methods of improving Nishi Katsudzo.
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Breathing exercises for pancreas

According to experts in the field of gastroenterology, to prevent problems with the pancreas, it is mandatory to carry out a special gymnastics, which will help to improve blood circulation and outflow of pancreatic juice from pancreas.
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Self-help during the spring exacerbation of pancreatitis

Spring is often aggravated all chronic diseases, including - pancreatitis. This disease is associated with impaired activity in the pancreas - the body, which simultaneously applies directly to the two systems of the body. This unpaired organ regenerates poorly, and pancreas transplant - not ordinary and expensive operation. It is therefore important to take care of pancreatic health and maintain it at the first signs of the concerned malfunction occurs.
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