» Materials for 20.01.2017
Grooming Tips to Reduce Shedding

Shedding is a natural, healthy process in all cats, in which they shed in order to remove dead hair which can cause skin irritation.
Shedding helps to replenish your kitty’s fur and keep it in tip-top shape – basically, there is no way around it. But we’ll tell you the science behind why cat’s shed, the breeds that shed the least, and how to clean it and keep shedding under control.
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Healthy and Harmful Food for Dogs

Providing a healthy diet for your dog isn’t always so easy. Many foods that we love aren’t so dog-friendly and many of those aren’t that obvious. Most people know common dangers like chocolate and grapes, but did you know that onions & garlic are also toxic to dogs? Also, fat is a healthy part of a dog’s diet but giving them too much at once (like those fat trimmings from your steak) can lead to pancreatitis.

The graphic below provides a great guide to what foods are healthy for your dog and those you probably want to avoid. Some items that appear on the harmful side you may have fed to your dog with no adverse reactions and items on the healthy side can also pose dangers if given in large quantities.
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