Tachycardia - a fairly common disease, which manifests itself in violation of the heart muscle, namely the frequency of heart rhythm. Often palpitations accompanied by weakness, tremors and aching chest. Tachycardia cause frequent stress, hyperthyroidism, alcohol and coffee, smoking, as well as exhausting exercise, overweight, sometimes fever, and congenital anomalies.
This disease can be a sign of other diseases and cardio - vascular system, infectious diseases of thyroid, changes in the body klimakteriichesky period. It is not uncommon when a tachycardia occurs in pregnant women. Treatment of cardiac tachycardia folk medicine it is possible. There are plenty of plants and products that have the ability to reduce heart rate, containing cardiac glycosides - fruits and vegetables that provide potassium - dairy products.
This disease can be a sign of other diseases and cardio - vascular system, infectious diseases of thyroid, changes in the body klimakteriichesky period. It is not uncommon when a tachycardia occurs in pregnant women. Treatment of cardiac tachycardia folk medicine it is possible. There are plenty of plants and products that have the ability to reduce heart rate, containing cardiac glycosides - fruits and vegetables that provide potassium - dairy products.
- Traditional methods of treatment
- 30-01-2016, 19:17
- 1 385
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- Pharmatic