What can cause chest pain in women

Chest pain periodically tests every woman. Chest starts to hurt, feel the pressure, it becomes sensitive. And all this happens for no apparent reason. Therefore, it is important to know what kind of nasty chest pain may respond to one of the following six reasons.
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome - a disease characterized by an inexplicable feeling of fatigue and weakness for at least 6 months, which does not pass even after a long rest. According to various reports of chronic fatigue disease is 10-37 cases per 100 thousand. Population.

It can develop at any age, but more often in 20-45 years. Global statistics indicate, chronic fatigue syndrome is about 2-3 times more common in women than in men. According to some estimates the world's daily logs to 1,000 new cases of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Neuroses Treatment folk methods

Treatment of neuroses folk methods of treatment of neurosis with the help of traditional medicine. Neuroses called functional diseases of the central nervous system, covering the whole body. The cause of neurosis is an acute or chronic overstrain of the nerves. Predisposes to the development of neuroses of infection, poisoning and improper diet.
As a rule, neuroses do not lead to violations of the psyche, but are at the same time the most common neuro-psychiatric disorders. At the core of neurosis is the wrong resolution of conflicts between the individual and significant events for it and (or) relationship, then there is a neurotic conflict. The neurotic conflict is laid mainly in childhood.