British diet

The famous phrase "breakfast eat yourself, share dinner with a friend, dinner give the enemy" is a gold standard for most diets. Against this background the British diet, as well as its effectiveness, seems questionable. The fact that the basic idea of ??the diet is to use most of the calories in the evening. It is assumed that during the day, up to 19 hours (it is up to this time, according to the diet should be implemented last meal), the amount eaten increases. Thus, in not in English should be modest breakfast leaky lunch, after, in the vegetable days, lunch and dinner for him. Just three or four meals, exceed the amount of which is prohibited. In general, the nutritional value of the daily menu will be no more than 800-1000 kcal.
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Beans topped the list of longevity products

Those who want to join the ranks of centenarians with good health, you should pay attention to the conclusions of the staff of the American Institute for Cancer Research. The best product that prolongs life, these experts have called all available cheap beans.

"Beans is located on the top of the list of products that directly affect human longevity", - said the researchers from the United States.
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Vitamin D protects against breast cancer

Recent research scientists from the University of California have shown a positive relationship between the level of vitamin D in the blood, and survival in breast cancer.

Women with sufficient security that the body of biologically active material doubled the chances to overcome the disease, compared to those female patients, the body which suffers from a lack of vitamin D. Also, women who regularly underserved this vitamin, the risk of developing breast cancers increases significantly.
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Chamomile tea prolongs life

Chamomile tea can help women live longer, according to US scientists from the University of Texas.

In particular, the use of herbal tea was associated with a decrease by 29% the risk of premature death from all causes. At the same time men such positive results were found. So far, the experts can not say for sure why chamomile tea prolongs the lives of women, but does not work for men.
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Vitamin E - useful properties and the norm consumption

Vitamin E is often called: female vitamin, vitamin of youth, Mom's vitamins, etc. And it is no wonder, this vitamin is attention. The fact is that due to vitamin E, our cells are protected from the harmful effects of the environment, which prolongs our youth and concerned about future posterity.
Therefore, in this article we consider in detail the beneficial properties of vitamin E, the body's need of his presence and the correct dosage and natural sources of vitamin E.
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Nut Diet - minus 3 kg in 10 days diet

The walnut diet was proposed by the Italian specialist in the 1980s of the twentieth century. The main principle of the walnut diet - almost complete replacement of animal protein to the one found in nuts (walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts and almonds).
Unlike most extreme diets, diet nut diet is quite balanced and has only one restriction: whenever you receive plenty of food portions should not exceed 250 g Nut diet is designed for 10 days, during which time you will lose 3 kg. All 10 days possible use of sugar and sweets.

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Unloading day for green tea

Fasting days are one of the safest and most effective methods of health promotion, maintenance of shape and even weight loss. Properly selected and spent fasting day will bring you a favor and just leave behind a feeling of lightness and comfort.

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