Liquid Aspirin helps to fight with brain cancer

Liquid Aspirin can prolong the life of thousands of patients with brain cancer, according to new research by scientists from the University of Portsmouth. Experts have found that a simple drug can cross the blood-brain barrier into the brain, which makes drugs to penetrate deeper into the brain to fight tumors.
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How to get rid of strong toothache for 1 minute

Although everyone knows that maintaining hygiene in the oral cavity can help us to prevent the manifestation of many dental problems, however, most people have problems with caries and dental pain. Toothache - one of the worst things that we experience in life.

Fortunately there is one natural remedy that can be prepared at home. With it, you can quickly get rid of a toothache.
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Cleansing the liver of heavy metals: the best natural remedies

Today it is almost impossible to protect yourself from the effects of harmful substances from the environment. Heavy metals - a ticking time bomb. Why is it so important to clean our body from them? Because they are toxins harmful elements that damage our body's cells and triggers various diseases.

Most of them eventually settles in our liver, and in the long term this may lead to very serious health problems.

It is therefore important to know how we can protect our liver and the right way to withdraw from it heavy metals that can damage not only this body, but also throughout the body. After all, in addition to the liver, may be affected by the brain, kidneys, intestines and the immune system.
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What to eat to improve skin color

In the leafy vegetables have everything you need, so that the skin remains healthy and beautiful. The most simple, effective and delicious way to take the green diet - start drinking smoothies.

Firstly, greens rich in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Second - fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins (and you will remember that the problems with the skin often caused by slagging of the intestine). Third, in the green and green vegetables and fruits a lot of chlorophyll, oxygenates cells. Fourth - a large amount of antioxidants.
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Healing with four-legged friend

Biologists and historians and other scientists are united in the opinion - it is the first dog appeared next to a man and continues to be with him now. No matter what it is - purebred or mongrel, or placed in a large teacup, fashionable or not - it is itself a continuous bundle of energy and only positive.
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Diet for pancreas: what can and can not

If you want to have a healthy pancreas, try to learn the golden rule: that delicious, is not always useful. Intemperance in food is hazardous to health.

Unload the pancreas to help the diet, which reduces the release of digestive enzymes gland. Than they are fewer, the worse the food is digested, and, therefore, the body loses calories. As a result, you can eat something beyond the statutory, but the fat it does not go: the body simply does not assimilate surplus.
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