Gymnastics Tai Chi: health benefits

Everyone knows the benefits of physical activity - for example, active walking or jogging, but people with certain chronic diseases such heavy loads may not under force.

Good news for "Chronicle" reported researchers at the University of British Columbia (Canada) - studying the health benefits of Tai Chi exercises east, they came to the conclusion that it is an effective tool for healing and strengthening the body for older people with poor health.
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Top 16 juice blends to normalize pressure

High blood pressure and headaches, fatigue and depression - all eternal associates hypertension. Especially scary hypertensive crises that appear over time in all patients, if no action is taken to control the disease. You can be treated by various methods, including folk remedies. Recently become increasingly popular Live Juice Therapy.
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Diet cherries: delicious slimming

Cherry diet especially useful for those who want to quickly lose weight by 3-5 kg, while indulging in the sweet.

How useful berries cherries?

• Rich in vitamins and trace elements. Among them - vitamin C, P, and iron.
• Reduces blood pressure, help fight anemia, pain in the joints.
• Due to fructose, which it contains, quickly becomes saturated and did not want to eat.
• stimulate the work of the intestine, so this diet will help get rid of constipation.
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Doctors reported especial usefulness cherries

Experts recommend to use the beginning of the season of cherries and cherry, and, in the absence of contraindications, regularly eat these berries. The fruits of cherries, according to doctors, contains very few nutrients, but scientific studies have confirmed their ability to protect the body from inflammation, leading to cancer and brain pathologies.
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Doctors have called the main symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis - a disease based on the damage of the nervous system. More precisely, the outer shell of the nerves that performs a protective function, resulting in their complete destruction. The worst thing is to cure this disease is not possible, a person with multiple sclerosis can be helped only comprehensive therapy that improves his condition allows him to go on living with the disease.
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Treatment of folk remedies for poisoning

With food intoxications bath or sauna will help to actively withdraw toxins from the body.

A decoction of dill and honey. 200 ml of water, 1 teaspoon dry grass or 1 tbsp fresh greens. Boil for 20 minutes on low heat, cool, pour the boiled water to the original volume, then add 1 tbsp. l. honey. It is recommended to drink the broth for 30 minutes. to 100 ml of food. Dill has a sedative effect, relieves spasms, accelerates the elimination of toxins, by increasing urination. It normalizes the digestive tract.
How to rejuvenate skin after 50

50 years - the age of the mature and beautiful. This is only spoil the mood of the wrinkles around the eyes and lips, fading skin, puffiness under the eyes. And how I want to be young and beautiful, as in 30, keeping the wisdom and experience of age.

Many believe that after 50 skin aging is already irreversible. But it is possible to deal with the appearance of the skin age. And get visible results quite real. You just need to not be lazy and look after your skin properly and regularly.
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13 reasons to start eating strawberries now

Gone are the days when strawberries were only seasonal products. Now, this berry can be seen on the shelves all year round. But, whatever you say, but a real, fragrant, juicy, dark crimson from the sun and most useful strawberry appears on our table only to fly. And now is the time to get away from it all the most useful, that it carries in itself. A lot of use in strawberries. Especially in summer grown on beds under the sun.
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8 signs of kidney stones

The body itself unable to remedy the small stones from the kidney, but he can not cope with the larger ones.

Thus they remain in the body and cause numerous health problems, since it does not allow the urethra to perform its function. When the ureter, which is the tube that connects the bladder and kidneys, blocked kidney stones, a person experiences great pain.
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