Copper helps fight Staphylococcus aureus

Researchers from the University of Southampton in England found that copper can destroy the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, which are resistant to many types of antibiotics and often lead to death. This conventional metal, as experts believe, can lead to DNA damage and subsequent death of bacterial cells.
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A cup of tea a day protects against heart attack

Just one cup of tea a day can be helpful for heart health, new research suggests. Experts from The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore found that people who drank a cup of tea daily had a 35% less likely to suffer a heart attack or other cardiovascular events compared with those who did not drink tea. These findings were obtained in the study of more than 6,000 men and women who were monitored for 11 years.
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Flatfoot - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Flat feet - a foot deformity. There are several types of it - the longitudinal and transverse. When longitudinal flat thickens and deforms the inner edge of the foot, with the cross - the area between the base of the fingers. Such irregular shape of the foot leads to a complete loss of its protective (of spring) features required for loads on the foot while jumping, running and other physical activities. They suffer not only the joints of the feet, but also the bones of the skull, vertebrae of the spine. As a result, flat leads to disease of ankle, knee, intervertebral joints. As a result - the patient is waiting for arthrosis or scoliosis.
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How and why to measure the level of oxygen in the blood

Have you ever wondered if there is enough oxygen in your blood? We measure pressure, temperature, heart rate and pulse, but on the oxygen content, usually forget. Inadequate blood oxygen saturation can indicate a variety of diseases and eventually lead to several more serious illnesses - from impaired memory and sleep problems to arrhythmias and stroke. Meanwhile, to measure an important indicator of just enough - it developed a wireless device portable pulse oximeter iHealth PO3. You can use it on their own and at any time.
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Curcumin causes death of  cancer cells

Cardiovascular, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, depression, atherosclerosis, psoriasis, arthritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver disease. According to recent studies of physicians and scientists, with all these diseases can help a natural substance - curcumin derived from turmeric root of East Asian plants. But until recently, the only difficulty was that after taking curcumin is rapidly excreted from the body, almost no time to have a therapeutic effect. Scientists were able to come up with a solution to this problem.
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Good news for fans of citrus

Scientists rush to share the good news with fans of citrus - a recent study it was found that regular consumption of citrus fruit is associated with reduced risk of stroke. The reason for this effect may be available in these fruits of a chemical compound called hesperidin, which increases blood flow throughout the body, including the brain.
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10 products to improve vascular condition

Power is the main factor affecting the state of human health (strengthening it, or giving rise to various diseases).

Thus, there are products, the use of which may lead to blockage of the arteries over time. As a result, blood circulation, there are a variety of cardiovascular diseases which can lead to premature death of the person.

On the other hand, there are products that help to clean the arteries and veins. The inclusion of such elements in the diet helps prevent various diseases.

According to various studies, the disease is atherosclerosis, which leads to the greatest number of deaths worldwide. During this difficult disease lurking autoimmunity, infection, incompatibility ... A person suffering from atherosclerosis, faced not only with the blockage of arteries and veins, and hypertension, and heart disease.
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