The taste in the mouth may be a natural way - as a result of lack of hygiene morning or taking the appropriate food. However, in some cases, its presence is indicative of certain pathologies, and allows to identify at an early stage disease. Depending on the nature of aftertaste - sour, salty, bitter, sweet - and distinguish diseases that accompany it. Our problem with the appearance of taste in the mouth to understand its nature and in cases of suspected disease, seek medical advice. Consider, for any violations in the body may indicate flavor. » Page 85
The taste in the mouth may be a natural way - as a result of lack of hygiene morning or taking the appropriate food. However, in some cases, its presence is indicative of certain pathologies, and allows to identify at an early stage disease. Depending on the nature of aftertaste - sour, salty, bitter, sweet - and distinguish diseases that accompany it. Our problem with the appearance of taste in the mouth to understand its nature and in cases of suspected disease, seek medical advice. Consider, for any violations in the body may indicate flavor.
The phenomenon of panic attack has long been known, but its causes are still not fully understood. It was found that more than 30% of people at least once in your life fall victim to a very unpleasant phenomenon: without good reason, they have a sense of horror, accompanied by palpitations, tremor and chills or feeling of sudden fever, sweating, tightness of breath, dizziness, nausea. For an attack characterized by a partial loss of contact with reality: a person experiences fear of death, despite the fact that there was no danger to his life in reality is not. Symptoms occur suddenly and persist for 15-20 minutes. In some patients, such attacks are repeated several times, worsening general health, making it difficult for chronic ailments and seriously reducing the quality of life. It is for these specialists have developed methods that help to control the condition of a panic attack and minimize its unpleasant symptoms.
On the man's head is located about a million hair follicles, or, as they are called, the hair follicles. At birth, the majority of them are in "sleep" state, but within a few weeks, follicles are activated, and are starting to grow hair. The intensity of this process is individual, and during her life she can change. At the rate of hair growth affects genetic predisposition, physical and emotional condition, aggressive influence of the environment, skin care and hair of the head, especially used in perfumery and cosmetics, medication, food preferences, and more. The presence of bad habits, illnesses and stress often causes the hair follicles become inactive, and hair growth stops. As a result, a healthy head of hair loses color, shine and volume. Fortunately, this process is reversible. There are some proven tricks to "awaken from their slumber" hair follicles and restore hair to its former splendor and beauty.
Smoking not only has a negative impact on the health of the consumer tobacco products, but air pollution is a source of substances potentially harmful to others. In recent years, the number of people seeking to get rid of a bad habit has increased substantially. The point is not easy: quit smoking, one immediately begins to suffer from withdrawal symptoms. In addition, many of yesterday smokers initially feel a great disappointment, since the improvement of health, for which they expect, comes not at once. The reason is that toxic substances accumulated in the body for years, just disappear completely after 6-8 months. Fortunately, this process can be accelerated, including the daily in their diet foods that promote the excretion of nicotine and substances formed as a result of its decay.
- Diet and Food
- 25-02-2016, 23:18
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When overcome by hunger, and the opportunity to dine there is no full, come to the aid snacks - small in terms of meals, stabilizing blood sugar levels. The ratio of nutritionists to snacking often negative, but because as a snack most people choose high-calorie foods with a high number of "fast" carbohydrates: cookies, biscuits, crisps, sweets. However, the use of snacks for weight loss is obvious: the person avoids a strong sense of hunger, overeating companion, and not gaining weight - but only when eating the products are correct.
- Diet and Food
- 25-02-2016, 22:55
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Turnip, radish, horseradish - once these and other products are very popular with our ancestors, being not only the food nourishes the body, but also medicines, cures for many diseases. Unfortunately, the use of some of them have long gone out of fashion, and once favorite plants and vegetables have almost ceased to contribute to human health. The inclusion of these products in the modern diet - effective measure to prevent and treat diseases that rarely suffered by our ancestors - obesity, diabetes, bone diseases, atherosclerosis and many other ailments.
- Diet and Food
- 25-02-2016, 22:41
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Eating fish oil helps to maintain normal weight. Included in this product is an omega-3 fatty acids contribute to change the composition of adipose tissue: white fat cells are converted into fat cells beige. The latter type of cells are not stores fat, but on the contrary, burns it.
- Diet and Food
- 25-02-2016, 22:19
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An international group of researchers discovered a new method by which the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is distributed in the body. The results are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Low-grade fever is called fever up to 38 degrees, and low-grade fever - the presence of a temperature of more than 3 days, often this happens for no apparent reason. Availability subfebrile - a clear sign of disturbances in the body, which can be caused by various reasons: illness, stress, hormonal disruptions. Despite the seeming harmlessness is a condition in which people often continue to lead normal life, often a symptom of many diseases, including severe, have undesirable effects on health. Consider the 13 main reasons which may cause a rise in temperature in the body to subfebrile values.
Researchers from the University of Washington in Spokane (USA) found that the substance contained in green tea - epigallocatechin gallate - can effectively suppress a number of symptoms that occur in rheumatoid arthritis. His discovery they published on the pages of a scientific journal Arthritis and Rheumatology.