» Materials for 13.10.2016
The best drink to help calm the inflammation of the liver, pancreas and kidneys

Soothe the inflammation of the liver and other cleansing organs, and with it the livelihoods normalize our body help us fresh fruits and vegetables are high in water and antioxidants.

As you know, a healthy liver - the key to good health and well-being of man.

The kidneys, in turn, are responsible for the elimination of toxins, so for the proper functioning of our body needs plenty of water. It is worth remembering that the renal function does not end on the human body cleansing of toxins. These bodies are involved in the regulation of blood pressure, and in the production of vitamin important hormones.

All you need to do - drink juices daily. They are high in minerals and enzymes. These drinks can be cleaned pancreas. As a result, digestion improves, and the body will be easier to deal with oxidative processes in cells.
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Products which are useful at high pressure: 10 best

High pressure for people who live in the modern world has become commonplace. The impact of weather, stress, lack of sleep - the main causes of hypertension. Experts have prepared for you the products that are useful at high pressure.

Knowing the secret properties of some products, you can quickly reduce high blood pressure and improve health. Hypertension can cause more serious diseases and even lead to stroke or heart attack. Scientists have found that useful for hypertensive patients are foods rich in the vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, fatty acids.
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Products available that reduce blood sugar levels

Sweet does not mean useful. As is known, the sugar is beneficial to health. Use it in large quantities can lead to hyperglycemia and diabetes. Maintain blood sugar at a constant level is important for maintaining or losing weight, reducing stress and maintaining a healthy heart. Here are some products that are not only lower blood sugar levels, but also help to control appetite.
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Top 5 Signs premenopausal

Before you come menopause, women go through a transitional phase, known as perimenopause. During this period there is a gradual decline in the production of hormones estrogen and progesterone, causing the menstrual cycle is gradually reduced to disappear altogether. This menopause can take anywhere from two to five years.
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Stroke Prevention: 9 daily rules

Stroke - One of the most common causes of death worldwide. It is also one of those diseases that most affect women.

There are two types of stroke: ischemic stroke and brain hemorrhage. The latter form is more severe and is often accompanied by the death of the patient.

We can not prevent this disease is at 100%. It can affect people of any age, but when we age, the risk increases to face with him.

All that we can do - is to follow a few simple strategies that will allow us to improve our quality of life, and try to protect themselves from the risk transfer stroke.

Doctors told how to protect yourself from stroke, feel better and regain health.
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