Clean our bowel herbs and plant seeds

Clear the bowel can be the most ancient and gentle way - herbs.

It is important to the day before the purification (up to 21 hours) to prepare the powder from the seeds of such ingredients, taken one teaspoon:

-semyan dill,


- Coriander,

- Caraway,

- Anise.
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The best herbal teas to lower cholesterol

Each of us knows that elevated blood cholesterol is dangerous for our health as it is deposited on the walls of the arteries. The reason for this phenomenon - regular consumption of fatty foods. The danger of such a state that it can eventually lead to heart attack and cause other serious diseases.

In folk medicine, there are recipes for the best decoctions to lower cholesterol in the blood.
The first signs of a developing myocardial

Myocardial infarction - the defeat of the heart muscle caused by an acute violation of its blood supply due to thrombosis (blockage) of one of the arteries of the heart of an atherosclerotic plaque.

In this case the affected part of the muscle dies, that is developing necrosis. Cell death begins within 20-40 minutes after the cessation of blood flow.
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Natural means to help with gastric reflux

Among the most common causes of stomach (gastroesophageal) reflux can be identified easing a muscular valve (sphincter) that controls the passage of food from the esophagus into the stomach.

This "door" is opened and closed - opening and closing the path of the food. When we swallow something, it automatically opens and then closes - to block food way back from the stomach into the esophagus.

If the muscles of the "door" weakened portion of the stomach contents into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation and sensation of there acids.
Products that help to preserve youthfulness

Each of us wants as long as possible to remain young. And each of us has to choose their way to youth and beauty. Someone gets expensive cosmetics, someone decided on plastic surgery, someone is interested in unconventional methods of rejuvenation, or experiencing the new trendy diets. But we all understand what is really to preserve youth and health may only proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
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Most essential oils for the organism

Solve your problems with skin, hair and will not only help three miracle of the oil, if you enter them in your diet.
For you often cling to the cold, to play tricks heart, worse digestion, or skin suffers from dryness? Solve your problems will help three miracle of the oil, if you enter them in your diet. And we'll show you how! We see cold-pressed oils - flax seed oil, walnut oil and mustard, because in oils, which are prepared by hot pressing is much less useful substances, and their effect on the body is not as pronounced.
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This drink to cleanse your body

Just 3 ingredients and you will feel healthier and younger.

Today, many people suffer from the problems associated with the digestive system such as ulcers volvulus, chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome. The colon is a vital organ that takes waste from our digestive system. That is why the colon is so important to its proper operation.
12 of reasons the lowered body temperature

Everyone knows that fever is a sign of ill health. However, the presence of disease and may indicate too low temperature (hypothermia), especially when it is observed long enough. This condition is dangerous in that it, unlike the fever does not cause serious inconvenience: Patients usually complain only of weakness, drowsiness, apathy. Sometimes joins a fever and feeling cold in the extremities. Many people with these symptoms do not go to doctors, considering them the result of accumulated fatigue. However, medical intervention is necessary. Low body temperature is considered less 35,8 ° C.

Identify factors caused it, it is sometimes difficult without a thorough examination, but most often this condition is caused by the reasons, which we will introduce you.
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