Relaxation: exercises and techniques for better sleep

When we go to sleep, you need to not only turn off the mobile phone and television, but also try to leave all worries behind the threshold.

One of our usual problems already - is that we can not sleep.
Lack of sleep occurs for various reasons, and has different consequences. Normal sleep and relaxation necessary for the body to recuperate, regenerate tissue, for the "eradication" of stress that we experience during the day.

Not enough sleep, we feel bad, we can not operate normally, nervous over nothing. Experts spoke about relaxation exercises that will help you sleep well and get enough sleep.
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Natural means for getting rid of snoring

Snoring at night can cause serious health problems, and it is necessary to try to eliminate.

Snoring is often poisons the lives of not only households, but also to the person who suffers from this disease. Provoke snoring at night, daytime fatigue, irritability, worsening of brain function. Also negatively on the quality of sleep under the "music" design snoring affect heart failure and other health problems.

Snoring occurs due to relaxation of the soft palate and the tongue during sleep. Each of us have anatomical features of the structure of the nasopharynx, because of which and vibrating sound occurs. From dream to get rid of snoring a lot and do not know how to do it safely and effectively. It turns out that there are natural remedies that can solve this problem and improve the quality of sleep.
Spring vegetables without harm to health

Unfortunately, the spring often cases of poisoning from the desire to quickly move to fresh vegetables and herbs. Miracles do not happen, and the "real" as any other, generously fed growth promoters, fertilizers, etc. From this they accumulate in many different harmful substances such as nitrates. The permissible concentration, they are harmless to the body, but if they are too many, they can be converted into nitrites, which are just dangerous.

The maximum permissible rate of nitrates for adults - 500 mg, and an infant poisoning, and 10 mg will suffice. Therefore, buying fresh vegetables, remember a few rules of their choice.
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Tick season: how to protect yourself from bites

Traditional months of increased activity of ticks - May and June. But this year, due to the unusually warm spring clamp went on the attack early.

It was with the advent of warm days awakened and hungry mites begin to hunt for people. In dry and hot days, they are slightly weaken its activity, but when it's wet and cloudy weather, go on the attack. The most likely places where ticks - the grass along the road, bushes, trees, and not only in parks and gardens, but on a noisy street.

Typically, these insects cling to the clothes and at a convenient stick into human skin in those places where it is most delicate: on the neck, behind the ears, groin and abdomen. You may not notice the little dots on the skin, and after a tick bite is in itself an unpleasant thing, can pose a serious threat. After all ticks are carriers of diseases such as encephalitis and Lyme disease.
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Varicose veins: how to strengthen the legs vessels through nutrition

With varicose veins, which are not uncommon in our time, it is imperative to strengthen the legs vessels. Doctors note that this can be done with food.

Very good, if you like different seafood, fish, because they are highly desirable for people who have varicose veins. These foods remarkably strengthen vessels, because they contain not only proteins that are easily digested by the human body, but also copper (which it makes our blood vessels stronger).
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