Let's start with the fact that a single disease, which is called "salt deposits", simply does not exist. In fact, this is household name metabolic disorders, leading to the development of a number of diseases. The pathological process consists in the fact that in the body there is an accumulation of uric acid salts (usually due to failure of a water-salt exchange or insufficiently effective and excretory systems). The resulting salt either form stones in the bladder or kidney ducts, or deposited inside the joints in the form of so-called osteophytes (crystals accumulated in the joint capsules and bone overgrowth forming edges). In the latter case, the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system is impossible: because of the thinning of the cartilage covering the bones of the head, the friction in the joints increases, there is the closure of the nerve endings, develop inflammation. Patients complain of a crunch in joints, stiffness, and pain during movement, "the weather". Of course, there are medications and physical therapy techniques relieve pain and slow down the process of proliferation of osteophytes. However, do not neglect and accessible recipes of traditional medicine: they are turned out and tested for centuries and can be a good tool in the struggle to improve the well-being of patients.
- Traditional methods of treatment
- 26-02-2016, 22:50
- 1 538
- 0
- Pharmatic