» Materials for April 2016 year » Page 3
Tick season: how to protect yourself from bites

Traditional months of increased activity of ticks - May and June. But this year, due to the unusually warm spring clamp went on the attack early.

It was with the advent of warm days awakened and hungry mites begin to hunt for people. In dry and hot days, they are slightly weaken its activity, but when it's wet and cloudy weather, go on the attack. The most likely places where ticks - the grass along the road, bushes, trees, and not only in parks and gardens, but on a noisy street.

Typically, these insects cling to the clothes and at a convenient stick into human skin in those places where it is most delicate: on the neck, behind the ears, groin and abdomen. You may not notice the little dots on the skin, and after a tick bite is in itself an unpleasant thing, can pose a serious threat. After all ticks are carriers of diseases such as encephalitis and Lyme disease.
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Varicose veins: how to strengthen the legs vessels through nutrition

With varicose veins, which are not uncommon in our time, it is imperative to strengthen the legs vessels. Doctors note that this can be done with food.

Very good, if you like different seafood, fish, because they are highly desirable for people who have varicose veins. These foods remarkably strengthen vessels, because they contain not only proteins that are easily digested by the human body, but also copper (which it makes our blood vessels stronger).
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How to detect cancer at an early stage

The American Cancer Society has recorded in the US alone, 1.5 million cases of cancer in 2015. As one medical experts say that early detection of the tumor is critical to controlling the disease. There are some signs of cancer that can not be ignored completely. Pay attention to the changes in the body, as they may not only be a sign of the disease, but many others.
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Where there is anxiety and low self-esteem

Neurotic traits (emotional instability, anxiety, low self-esteem, irritability), which were previously considered to be acquired, may develop in humans as a result of genetic predisposition. The large-scale study of American, British and Australian scientists have identified as many as nine regions of the genome responsible for neuroticism.
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Doctors told how to deal with frequent nocturnal awakenings

Usual story - you're not getting enough sleep for three days and this time decided to go to bed early. You go to bed at ten o'clock in the hope of a good night's sleep, but suddenly wake up two nights. Sleep in either eye, you lie and look up at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep again. It takes two hours before you go to sleep again, and then almost immediately alarm goes off again and you do not get enough sleep and feel disgusting. With what is associated with such calls.
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