8 the main symptoms of kidney failure

The kidneys play a very important role in the functioning of our body. They are located in the lower part of the back and thoracic treated with 120 to 150 liters of blood per day.

When the kidneys are working well, they purify the blood of waste and excess fluid. This avoids many diseases.

The kidneys maintain the electrolyte balance in the body, contribute to the production of red blood cells and help control blood pressure.

Therefore, violation of their normal operation, leading to serious health problems, to the deterioration of the quality of life.
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Kidney Cleansing: Essential oils to help

Kidneys are an important organ for the maintenance of an optimal state of the internal environment. They perform a variety of functions. These include secretory (removal of waste substances from the body), maintaining a certain concentration of certain substances in the blood, the volume adjustment in the body of water, adjust the acid-base equilibrium. Pollution occur as mucus, sand and stones. The cause may be food for the night, the nature of food consumed and water.
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Currant diet minus 4 kg in 4 days

Diet currant - one of the most useful berry diets. In addition, it contains a lot currant vitamins and minerals, it also includes a linolenic acid, which promotes the breakdown of fat cells in the human body.

During the diet you can eat like a red and black currant - their caloric content is almost the same (38 and 39 kcal). Designed diet only 4 days - during this time go up to 3-4 kg.
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How to lose weight without counting calories? 7 practical advice

Tired of sitting on a strict diet and endlessly counting calories? We will share with you a simple but practical advice that will help you attain the figure of your dreams!

If you are constantly in a state of weight loss, you do not know firsthand what a tedious task. Especially kills counting calories: firstly, it involves vigilant control, and secondly, is not always possible to determine exactly how many calories contains a portion. We invite you to abandon the tedious calculations and lose weight with pleasure!
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9 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

You are dissatisfied with their appearance, and almost every week promise yourself go on a diet, but, alas, you do not have the willpower to stick to it? We'll tell you how to lose weight relatively quickly, but it does not sit on a carrot!

When you discover that you gained extra weight you want to lose them as soon as possible. Alas, in the pursuit of the perfect figure of women often resort to questionable diets or even starvation. As a result - weight, thrown in a couple of weeks back again in a few days! Along with him come the problems with the digestive tract, metabolic disorders, deterioration of the skin and hair ... we'll show you another way to harmony. You do not have to torture yourself with hunger strikes, but you can pretty quickly get rid of the extra kilos!
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How to get rid of heartburn: treatment of water and grass

Heartburn - a burning sensation behind the breastbone, along the esophagus, sometimes quite painful and persistent. This is the result of casting of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. Usually heartburn it appears after 30 - 60 minutes after a meal, sometimes on an empty stomach.

It happens most often when the stomach acidity, but may also occur in patients with atrophic gastritis with decreased secretion of gastric juice when irritating effect on the mucous membrane of organic acids produced in the stomach in violation of the digestive processes, and bile is thrown out of the gallbladder into the duodenum and then the stomach and esophagus.
6 exercise to reduce stoop

Even slim and beautiful girl can ruin bad posture, namely a slouch. In medicine, the disease is called kyphosis or hyperkyphosis. To discover at this spine disease can be simple manner.

Stand for a vertical wall or other flat surface. Your neck, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels should touch the wall. Wait so for 10-15 minutes. If this exercise was given to you easily, so there is no cause for concern. Well, if you can not keep your back straight for a minute, there is already need to take serious measures.
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Herbs from nerves - advice of traditional medicine

Status of depression and irritability can be caused by many factors. This reaction to the change in the weather, the atmospheric pressure drops, lack of vitamins, physical or emotional overload.
You can, of course, to wait, to endure, you can take a couple of pills from the pharmacy. But it's best to remember some simple but useful and effective recipes that have long been used by people to preserve the mental and physical balance.