Vitamins in the dog's diet

Vitamin A (retinol) dogs needed to maintain a normal body tissues, it ensures normal growth, vision, reproduction. With a lack of vitamin A in the diet is intense cornification (keratinization) of epithelial tissue of the digestive, respiratory and genital tract in females. Reduced resistance to infectious diseases of dogs (avitaminoznye dogs are the most susceptible to it). The defeat of the epithelium of the lacrimal glands leads to dry eye cornea (xerophthalmia appears) and reduces the regeneration of visual purple of the retina. At A-avitaminoznyh dogs often observed violation of the function of reproduction: in males sterility in females - in violation of the sexual cycle, poor fertility, birth of weak offspring.
The optimum requirement for vitamin A in adult dogs is 100 IU (international units per gram), in young animals - 200 IU per 1 kg of body weight. And at least one-third of the needs to be satisfied at the expense of the vitamin, two-thirds - due to its provitamin - carotene (1 IU corresponds to 0.3 mg of pure vitamin A or carotene 2 mg). Vitamin A lot of the liver, fish oil, vitamin A in plant feed available. A lot of carotene in carrots, spinach, nettles.
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A false to intrafamilial (pregnancy)

False pregnancy - is not a disease. This condition can be described as "physiological pseudopregnancy" because periodically every non-pregnant females in varying degrees, there are characteristic symptoms. There is a theory according to which the false pregnancy of dogs is a primitive way to feed the other bitches puppies this dog pack, if estrus occurs at them only once a year.
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5 rules  supper for slimming

To eat or not to eat, and if so, what? This question tormented every woman who has decided to start fighting obesity. Despite the fact that many nutritionists do not recommend eating after 6 pm, your stomach continues to demand. The desire to eat something is becoming stronger with every turn the small hands of the clock. How correctly to do that during dinner not gain calories successfully "saved" during the day? ..
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6 products that prevent breast cancer

One in eight women in the world suffers from breast cancer. Today do not know the exact cause of why some women experience the disease, while others - not.
The main factors influencing the development of breast cancer are age, genetic predisposition, obesity after menopause or obesity, poor physical activity, alcohol abuse, late childbirth (after 35).
In the early stages, most often, the disease is completely asymptomatic, and the first signs of cancer can be sealing and changing the appearance of the breast.
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