Headaches are even healthy people - for example, due to overwork. But now a completely healthy people - a rarity, and persistent or recurring headaches often affect more than 1/6 of the world's population - that is, more than a billion people. It is no secret that for the inhabitants of developed countries, the problem is most acute, and the reasons are very different - from tension and migraine headaches to depression and high blood pressure.
Causes of headache[b][/b]
Identify the problem may be the nature of the pain, but it is better not to put a diagnosis on your own - there are experts for that. Briefly we can say that the pain in the forehead may occur under stress, migraines, allergies, sinusitis, sinusitis, dental problems, too high intracranial and blood pressure, neuralgia - is this incomplete list it is clear that it is better not to engage in independent action.
Pain in the temples can also occur for several reasons. This violation of the maxillofacial joints, cold or flu, circulatory problems, severe fatigue, susceptibility to anxiety, hormonal disturbances and surges, etc.
At the back of the head pain often appear because of a cervical osteochondrosis, neuralgia, tension, or even uncomfortable position, but also under increased pressure this also happens. In turn, the pressure often increases due to vasospasm caused by stress and other reasons, so that everything here is very closely linked - and therefore should be referred to a doctor.
The head may ache in various fields due to poor nutrition, abuse of coffee and cigarettes, the effects of alcohol, pungent smell, stuffiness, meteozavisimosti - for example, before the rain.