Unloading day on rice: the rules and variants

For many years we are trying to unravel the secret of good health, longevity and harmony of the Japanese. And let it remain not fully disclosed, one thing is certain: much depends on power.
That is why on the basis of rice created a lot of different diets for weight loss. Figure suitable for this almost perfect: due to the porous structure, it is easy to absorb from the gastrointestinal tract such toxic substances, such as toxins, cholesterol, excess fluid, deposition of salts, mucus and bile. This figure is quite low-calorie product: 100 g of cooked rice contains a little more than 100 calories.
Lightweight version of weight loss on rice is a fasting day. It is well suited for weight maintenance, but regular conduct can help you get rid of excess weight. In one such discharge day it takes up to one kilogram. Nutritionists say that the rice helps to normalize metabolic processes, which means that with a lack of weight it can also help to purchase beautiful shape. Furthermore, the discharge on rice a day will be useful in diseases of the kidney, liver, and joints.
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Antioxidant Diet - useful properties and rules

The word "antioxidant" has long been known to those who are watching their appearance and seeks as long as possible to preserve the beauty and health. Therefore, variations of the antioxidant power today are quite common, because the objective of this measure is not only to preserve youthful skin, but also the maintenance of order in the whole organism.
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Named way to keep sexual activity in old age

People who have lost their sex drive or suffer from erectile dysfunction, testosterone replacement therapy helps. This discovery was made by researchers from Baylor College of Medicine and St. Luke Mfeditsinskogo center in Houston, Texas (USA).

The study is published in the edition of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology.
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Diet for gastroduodenite - opinion nutritionist recommendations

Good health can boast not everyone. In the event that a body has failed, you should immediately correct it. Because it is necessary to reflect on how to do it right. In the event that put this unpleasant diagnosis as a chronic gastro-only diet can help. With it, the body will be able to quickly recover and not have to worry about that with the stomach have any problems.
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Protein shakes - Drink and grow thin for 5 kg per month

More recently, a protein shake caused association with a particular diet bodybuilders. But times change, and today the protein shake diet is an important part of losing weight girls. This medicinal drink saturates the body with all the necessary elements, it blunts the appetite and helps to say goodbye to excess weight. But the most important thing is that when using protein cocktails you will not lose muscle mass and grams - only fat go into the process of losing weight. No sagging belly or flabby buttocks - only slim, relief, toned body. The protein elixir is very easy to prepare at home, all the ingredients are simple and very affordable. If you're wondering how to make a protein shake at home in the kitchen, how to accelerate the process of losing weight and make muscles vividly - stay with us.
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