Calendula - the unique healing properties of plants

Calendula officinalis belongs to the Asteraceae annual herb of the family. In the wild form is found in the Mediterranean countries, in Central and Southern Europe. We calendula is known as an ornamental and medicinal plant.
For therapeutic purposes, is used in marigold flower baskets. Raw materials are dried in the shade under the eaves or in well-ventilated areas. Shelf life of raw materials 2 years. Calendula flowers contain flavonoids, carotenoids, saponins, essential oils, triterpene glycosides, bitter and slimy substances, zinc, copper, molybdenum, selenium, boron.
Watermelon and mint to cleanse the liver

The human body, especially in our time, when a lot of food is added stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners, regulators, flavorings, colorings and other non-nutrients are almost always exposed to intoxication.

Confidence that we eat healthy food, we can be only if we have your own garden with vegetables, herbs, berries and fruit grown with their own hands. Alcohol also has a toxic effect on the body, and it all begins with the liver. It is there that the toxins accumulate, so, first of all, you need to display "bad" substance here.

A person can not notice and liver diseases for many years. It is "quietly" tolerate all load and complexity, but at one point may simply not survive and surrender. Treatment of liver complicated, long and expensive.
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5 ways to relieve stress instantly

Stress state can overtake you at any time, even at the worst possible time. Learn how to relieve stress symptoms immediately!

Unpleasant conversation, the bad news, an unexpected problem, quarrel ... Any of these factors could be the last straw that broke your patience and optimism. And you will instantly fall into a state of stress, which can damage both your health and relationships with others. Try to learn to immediately arrest the symptoms of stress and quickly to calm the nervous system.
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Breathing Techniques from pain, insomnia and stress

The drug, which relieves stress, fatigue and sleepiness in 5 minutes there. And it is - a breath. Experts suggested breathing techniques for pain, insomnia and stress.

American Leonard Orr came up with a strange word - "rebirthing", behind which is hidden deep meaning. Rebirthing Orr - it consists of a number of breathing circuits and is suitable for a variety of situations. By mastering them, you get a kind of first-aid kit, which will help to cope with various ailments (insomnia, migraine, as an analgesic, anti-depressant, and so on.).
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Juices, cleansing the body of excess fat

Cleansing the body of toxins and accumulated loss of extra kilograms - a very important task. No need to starve or use crash diets to become slim and beautiful.

Some juices can help to not only cleanse the body of harmful substances, but also to burn fat. In addition, they are quite pleasant to the taste. Here we have chosen the nine best juices that can help burn excess fat and withdraw toxins from the body, which in turn will lead to a clean and radiant skin health.
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TOP-6 natural ways to freshen breath

Bad breath brings discomfort mass, takes confidence and prevent normal communication with others. How to deal with this scourge at home? ..

Of course, you can try to remove the unpleasant smell from the mouth with the help of special mouthwash and chewing gum. However, the first that the latter are not always at hand, and the teeth can harm if misused. So today we'll talk about more simple, home methods to combat bad breath.
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Essential oils from a headache

Heat again changed its cool weather, resulting in the majority of meteodependent people again began to suffer from ill health, nausea and migraine.

Sudden changes in temperature outside the window - a serious test for meteodependent and people with cardiovascular illnesses, prone to migraines. Headaches are literally chasing them especially hard for knowledge workers.
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