Herbal treatment of cancer. Methods Essiac

I want to draw your attention on another method of section herbal treatment of cancer, which was developed by a Canadian nurse Rene Kaysse (Ren?e Caisse (1888-1978)) at the beginning of the last century. The technique was named by Caisse Essiac names written on the contrary. Translation is not and can not, so I will just refer to this name. Especially since this name appears in the scientific literature.
Herbal treatment of cancer. Echinacea and Oncology

Speaking about the herbal treatment of cancer, it should be mentioned is known as the plant Echinacea, Echinacea and oncology and combine well in terms of impact. Echinacea is a flowering herb that comes from the daisy family. One of the most common types of Echinacea is Echinacea purpurea. These herbs grow in the eastern and central parts of North America and it is believed that they have a number of positive therapeutic effects.
Bran for weight loss

Bran proven themselves as a tool for weight loss and body cleansing. Each of us, looking for the opportunity to lose weight, choose the most suitable and convenient ways.

In addition to visits to the gym, active exercise, jogging, fitness, and other techniques, saunas and baths as a treatment, also help diet, different products and unloading days.

There are foods that help you lose weight and not gain extra weight. They are included in the composition of diets or eating in parallel with the normal food. Among these bran products are very popular.

But as with any diet or exercise, their eating is best to discuss with your primary health care provider.
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Living and dead water

Even in fairy tales we have heard that there is living water and dead water. Only there live - has the ability to revive, and the dead, of course, does its dirty work.
This is the life of such water species also exist, or rather they are prepared by some unnatural way, because not found in nature, such water. Although there is debatable.
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Intercostal neuralgia - symptoms and treatment at home

With many experienced intercostal neuralgia. Only now, perhaps not everyone knows the name of the phenomenon. It is accompanied by pain, tingling, numbness and burning sensation in the chest and ribs.

Inherently neuralgia intercostal space - a compression or irritation of the nerves, which are arranged in the ribs. It turns out that neuralgia intercostal space is nothing more than your disease of the nervous system, specifically this area of ??the body.

So what is the essence of such a disease? What causes this neuralgia? What are the symptoms of it accompanied and how to treat it at home? About all this now talk to you surely know how to act in a given situation.
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How to solve the problem of weight gain: the right diet and exercise

As a rule, all the girls are eager to get rid of the extra kilograms; However, there is a category of women who, on the contrary, do not know how to gain weight and make your figure more attractive and feminine, because excessive thinness still nobody decorated. The need for this kind of diet occurs when the body does not begin to get muscle mass and necessary for the female body fat. What to do in this situation?

Surprisingly, the easiest and simplest method - "eat more fatty and high-calorie food" - there is no longer working. After all, as a rule, such a lack of muscle and fat is associated with certain health problems that poor diet exacerbates. Remember that any hasty diet may entail not the best consequences, therefore it is necessary first of all to go to the doctor and only after consultations begin actively lose weight or gain weight.
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How to get rid of papillomas at home

Good afternoon friends! We all really want to look beautiful, but here's the problem - it turns out this is not always the case. Sometimes annoying obstacle on the road to perfection are small processes in the skin, face and neck. How to get rid of papillomas and their treatment in the home folk remedies, we will talk with you today, but first I will tell you what it is - a papilloma.
Products pressure reduction

Products reducing the pressure of interest to many people. And it's not a good life. In your medicine cabinet already taken their "honorable" place hypotonic agents, and high blood pressure you experienced? Or maybe just started to think about such a serious illness, such as hypertension and its consequences?

To successfully confront the disease as much as possible to penetrate deeply into the reasons you must try its appearance and explore all methods, traditional and folk, which will help improve the quality of life and forget about the problem for a long time.
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