Arrhythmia Treatment folk remedies
Arrhythmia Treatment at home: folk remedies
Well-being of man depends largely on the health of the cardio - vascular system. Arrhythmia is a certain failure in the stable work of the heart and blood vessels, the manifestation of which should not be ignored.

Treatment of this disease should be carried out not only medical drugs, and folk ways that significantly increase the healing process for arrhythmia.
The diet after bowel surgery

Diet after surgery on the gut is the main and a prerequisite to the body as quickly as possible to restore. To diet after surgery should be approached with great care. It is much easier to cook a special meal, you can use a blender or a double boiler. Diet can help the patient to avoid pain, bloating and normalizes the chair.
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Metabolic diet

Metabolic Diet is a diet whose main function -normalizovat the hormonal system, to intensify the work of hormones that burn fat, reduce insulin and estrogen synthesis.

Creator metabolic diet - Ukrainian doctor-nutritionist Anna Panchenko. The doctor conducted a clinical trial of this method reduce and got pretty good results. Panchenko weight loss program combines the two types of diets: nizkoglikemicheskuyu and fitness. Its distinguishing feature - a high content of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

This weight loss method is suitable for people who lead a healthy lifestyle, but at the same time wishing to lose a few extra kilos.
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Honey diet

Weight loss programs that promise rapid weight loss, it is becoming more and more every day. And if some can really help to reduce body weight, without causing serious harm to the body, then the other, according to nutritionists, just do not have the right to exist as extremely dangerous to human health.
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Brazilian diet: a simple way to lose weight at 10 kg

Brazilians are among the most beautiful women in the world. Thick hair, dark skin tone, slim waist, long legs and luxury, elastic thigh. Nature has generously endowed the Brazilian women's bright, attractive appearance. Famous models have a lot of Brazilians - Adriana Lima, Gisele Bundchen, Alessandra Ambrosio. Seductive beauty figure must not only genes but also a special diet. Today we'll show you how to use the well-composed nutrition plan can be corrected figure flaws. Make a thin waist, and hip - captivating and elastic help the Brazilian diet. Observing the Brazilian diet menu, you can each week to part with 3-5 kilos.
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Diet geisha: 3 secret ideal figure of Japanese beauties

Many Japanese women are envious looks Jewish beauties. They like their bright eyes and hair, eye shape, rounded and delicate shapes. We, in turn, can not but admire the beauty of Japanese women. Particularly attracted the attention of a Geisha. This profession is legalized since the beginning of the 18th century, so Weaver operate completely legally. Geisha fascinate not only foreigners but also local men, though, they would already have to get used to see on the streets of the girls who know how to hypnotize its beauty and look. That is why geisha diet is so much interest in women all over the world. I want to know what's eating these girls to look so amazing. The image of a Geisha - is not only an internationally recognized standard of femininity, but rather mysterious figure. It seems as if they do not age at all, but their shape is almost perfect. Some people think that if they eat exactly as Geisha, they can get the same charm and beauty. Some truth in this. In this article you will learn more about the famous geisha diet and, if you have to taste it isprobuete it for yourself.
The menu, which will appear in the article, has absolutely no historical roots and it is proved that a geisha eating that way, but, the power plan is a renowned dietician, who are the authors not a good diet, and accordingly, they know all about the benefits of any of the products . Not for nothing on this diet has so many good reviews. Women are really able to lose weight with it. Is not the main indicator that geisha diet work?
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Yogi Diet: minus 7 kg per month and complete cleansing of the body

In these difficult times it is practically impossible to always stay calm and balanced. It is difficult to protect themselves from stress, conflicts and unpleasant situations, after which there is still a long aftertaste, gnawing human inside. Yoga is great help to remove accumulated stress and relax a little bit of annoying routine. Yoga is not obese, they rarely get sick and always in a good mood. How did they succeed? It is not only special exercises, but also in their own supply system. Yogi Diet will allow you to lose a few kilos and learn to feel better and more confident.

By following the principles of the power system you can say goodbye to 7 kg per month and heal your body.
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Eight rules to help overcome depression

Depression - what is it really?

No one is immune from bouts of depression, sometimes it covers the head of the blue, and sometimes it is preceded by some signs: overexertion, stress, nervousness. Many people suffer from depression and the oppressed, not realizing that in reality they overcame depression. Such a condition can be quite long, so it is important to deal with it, otherwise you will be tangled up in anguish and sorrow.

Heavy thoughts, painful memories, guilt and low self-esteem often lead to depression. They should avoid at all costs, concentrate on the positive aspects of your life, smile and try to neutralize the unpleasant sensations. Launched depression can go from the emotional to the physical level, expressed through a protracted illness, which affected not only you but also your loved ones. To cope with the prolonged feeling oppressed will only professional psychologist, but in your power to prevent such a development. To do this, follow a few simple recommendations developed by us.
Packs for aching joints
Packs for aching joints are used in cases of arthritis and osteoarthritis, the symptoms of which are the crunch, inflammation, swelling and pain are frequent. Popular recipes of traditional medicine treat all who long-standing concept of "rheumatism" is familiar not by hearsay.
"For therapeutic effect, you must carefully follow the cooking instructions and the application of the national means of preliminary consultation with a doctor -. Obligatory event."
Tinnitus: national treatment

Before use in any recipe, hoping to remove noise in the ears, you need to seriously wonder about the reasons for such a state. And the answer to this question you need to look at the doctor.
Causes of tinnitus
Tinnitus can occur for various reasons, such as cardiovascular diseases, hypovitaminosis, or as a consequence of brain damage due to poisoning, injury or infection.
Traditional medicine also offers its own methods of dealing with ear noises, but before using the popular recipes, you need to consult a doctor.
To cause tinnitus cerumen and inflammation of the middle ear and evstahiit. You may receive tinnitus in people who work in industries with high noise. The cause of the noise in the ears may be age-related changes, stress or depression. Therefore, only a doctor can help you understand the causes and prescribe a treatment that will really help to get rid of tinnitus, such as vasodilators and anti-seizure pre¬paraty.
Traditional medicine also offers its own methods of dealing with ear noises, but before using the popular recipes, you need to consult a doctor.