Trophic ulcer is not an independent disease. This is a severe complication that occurs as a result of thermal injuries (burns or frostbite), chronic pathologies of the arteries or veins of the lower extremities, diabetes, and certain lesions of the connective tissue, lymphatic vessels, skin or nerve trunks. The pathology appears as a non-healing wound, on the inner surface of the tibia, the sole of the foot, the heel or the toes. Patients with trophic ulcers, constant pain, burning and heat in areas damaged skin, heaviness in the legs, often - night cramps. In the event of the accession of the secondary purulent process there is a general weakness and other symptoms of intoxication.
Full and final disposal of venous ulcers is impossible without treating the underlying disease that caused their occurrence. However, you can not leave without attention is also the process of soft tissue lesions of feet. It can and should facilitate and even stop. It is known for a number of folk remedies, successfully coping with this task.