Top 5 fruits that interfere lose weight

Slim and fruit - it seems that these two concepts are completely compatible. But not always. Ironically, in many diets are just superfluous fruit.

The first thing you need to pay attention - this calorie foods, the second - the amount of fat. There are other important factors that should be at the registration to build your diet.
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The anti-inflammatory diet - what to eat?

Inflammation is believed to experts, the cause of many serious diseases, as well as because of it, you may feel tired and be in a bad mood. But there is a way to counteract this.
The anti-inflammatory diet involves eating foods deep processing of pure, more nutritious varieties such as oily fish, quinoa and rye bread. For the benefit of the health check and all that you need to know on the subject.
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Kefir mono-diet - secrets slim figure

As is known, kefir - one of the most useful dairy products. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, soothes the nervous system and improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
In addition, kefir - a low-carb diet product that helps to lose weight, so kefir diet is very popular.
If you are looking for kefir diet, you will find dozens of its variants. To select the most effective of these, you should know the basic principles of a combination of kefir with other products. The bottom line is that there are some foods that you want to exclude, keeping kefir diet. You must create a menu that will allow you to take full advantage of the beneficial properties of kefir, purify the body from chemical toxins, make a figure slender and improve their health.
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Products that help to preserve youthfulness

Each of us wants as long as possible to remain young. And each of us has to choose their way to youth and beauty. Someone gets expensive cosmetics, someone decided on plastic surgery, someone is interested in unconventional methods of rejuvenation, or experiencing the new trendy diets. But we all understand what is really to preserve youth and health may only proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
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Most essential oils for the organism

Solve your problems with skin, hair and will not only help three miracle of the oil, if you enter them in your diet.
For you often cling to the cold, to play tricks heart, worse digestion, or skin suffers from dryness? Solve your problems will help three miracle of the oil, if you enter them in your diet. And we'll show you how! We see cold-pressed oils - flax seed oil, walnut oil and mustard, because in oils, which are prepared by hot pressing is much less useful substances, and their effect on the body is not as pronounced.
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Spicy food: benefit and harm

If you love spices in a restaurant always choose the most spicy dish, and houses without red pepper can not even cook a dessert, then you're doing pravilno.Uchenye believe that spicy food prolong life. Of course, not all so well, it has spicy dishes and the dark side, but the pros are always more important than the disadvantages, is not it?
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