Liver - the most important organ of the human body, which clears it from the products of metabolism and exposure to toxins. If abnormal liver work, external influences and poisons continue to poison the body. The liver is split nutrient molecules, neutralizing poisons. It secretes bile, which is collected in the gall bladder and from there flows into the small intestine when food arrives.
In ancient Babylon believed that the liver is the organ of anger. Indeed, a certain mental state of a person (in a bad mood, anxiety, jealousy) may delay the flow of bile from the liver. If a person often feels nervous excitement, he may have a compression duct, causing bile stasis. Long-term stagnation in the bile ducts and gall bladder leading to the formation of gallstones.
- Traditional methods of treatment
- 8-02-2016, 23:52
- 1 559
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- Pharmatic