» Materials for 22.02.2016
13 causes of low grade temperature

Low-grade fever is called fever up to 38 degrees, and low-grade fever - the presence of a temperature of more than 3 days, often this happens for no apparent reason. Availability subfebrile - a clear sign of disturbances in the body, which can be caused by various reasons: illness, stress, hormonal disruptions. Despite the seeming harmlessness is a condition in which people often continue to lead normal life, often a symptom of many diseases, including severe, have undesirable effects on health. Consider the 13 main reasons which may cause a rise in temperature in the body to subfebrile values.
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Green tea helps in rheumatoid arthritis

Researchers from the University of Washington in Spokane (USA) found that the substance contained in green tea - epigallocatechin gallate - can effectively suppress a number of symptoms that occur in rheumatoid arthritis. His discovery they published on the pages of a scientific journal Arthritis and Rheumatology.
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Adnexitis: treatment at home

Adnexitis refers to a form of female genital diseases, after the diagnosis that the doctor prescribes hormonal, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial drugs.

Good results in the treatment of gynecological diseases provides traditional medicine, which means although they are used for a long time, but they virtually eliminate the side effects on the body.
How to bring the temperature down without drugs at home

Increased body temperature happens often enough. Elevated temperature indicates not only the common cold, but also for other inflammatory processes occurring in the body, for example, a blood disease, food poisoning, etc.

In any case, the panic is not necessary, because there are various methods to reduce the temperature with the help of drugs or popular recipes.